Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students,
I have an outrageous claim to make.
I believe women’s emotions actually make sense, from their perspective, based on how they generate them.
I do not believe women are illogical. I do believe that women are taught to mystify their emotions and that we as men are taught to mystify their emotions as well.
Here’s a video clip on the subject. Tell me what YOU think:
Peace and piece,
P.S. Since you’re ready to achieve your own breakthroughs and claim the success with women that you deserve, check out my Speed Seduction® 3.0 Course by clicking here.
P.P.S. To learn LIVE from me about how to get all the women you ever want, join me for next 3-day seminar. The next one starts in two weeks (6/25) in New York City. Click here to check out what’s happening in New York and claim your seat today (and bring a friend for free!).
Tell us something we dont know…
I love the title. What do you call a phrase that has multiple meanings?
I think you are correct. Although woman tends to use emotion more than logical thinking yet the statement “I have no chemistry with you at all” can be twisted thanks to Speed Seduction techniques. Nice video clip, I am looking forward to view your next clips.
So if a woman told you ‘I just don’t feel any chemistry with you,’ you would reply with something like …
“I know. But it’s neat though, when it does happen, because it doesn’t happen with just anybody. It’s like … it can only happen when — you’re talking to someone special. And at first, you don’t even realize — that spark is igniting inside your belly. And the more you — listen to this guy, the more you notice — that spark is growing, and growing, until — you’re sure you’re going to be swept off your feet. It’s nice when — it’s happening, isn’t it?”
I think I’m getting the hang of this 😉 Too bad Dutch grammar doesn’t allow embedded constructions …
Oh, what a tease you are! I thought you were going to tell us how to respond when we hear the “no chemistry” line.
Who said I wouldn’t? Patience…
… or maybe Alan has it right?
basically saying im not going to tell you anything unless you pay
Neat pattern there Alan! I always knew the Dutch are a smart bunch!
your topic is very negative. you draw negative attention and energies behaving this way- and even if it is “innocent”…you should know better.
@Alan / great language! Ross would be proud of ya.
This is pretty obvious, that women hold their “feelings” as an absolute entitlement and license to do whatever they please, saying “well that’s just how I FEEL.”
Note that I am NOT complaining, since I’m not trying to change women’s behavior; as Ross taught me: ACCEPT whatever women give you and learn how to USE it against them!
In other words: if YOU can get women to “feel” an attraction to you, then NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER! You can be short, fat, poor, ugly, even ABUSIVE and EVIL– IT WON’T MATTER!
In other words, like Ross says: it’s like robbing a bank, which has a cheap back-door that’s wide open; you don’t NEED to bother with the guards, lock, police etc, if you just USE THE BACK DOOR!
Same with women’s feelings; you don’t NEED to mess with all those barriers to a woman’s vagina (i.e. wedding-rings, wealth, good looks, “DHV’s, IOI’s” and everything else including the kitchen sink)– if you can just INFLUENCE HER FEELINGS!
Let OTHER guys complain about it– meanwhile YOU can get laid where they can’t, by ACCEPTING it!
DISCLAIMER: Now trust me, I KNOW how shitty women can be with regard to their feelings, and how they can do the shittiest things imaginable, because “that’s how they FEEL.” So no, I’m not EXCUSING it– I’m just ACCEPTING it, and explaining that we need to USE it to advantage.
In other words, while women say that men are slaves to their cocks, the truth is that WOMEN are slaves to their EMOTIONS– for better or for worse.
This is why it’s useless to reason with them– and SENSELESS to AVOID focusing DIRECTLY on their feelings, and how to influence them!
Of course that’s an art in itself, which Ross addresses at length; I’m simply saying that while men have the power of logic, and self-denial when it comes to feelings, and the ability to force ourselves to accept what we don’t like; it’s a fatal mistake of subjective reasoning to assume that WOMEN have the same ability! Guys who do this, play to a woman’s strength by trying to TALK THEM INTO SEX– which is also a man’s WEAKNESS. Here’s where women will say that they ALSO like sex– it’s just that the only like it. maybe, about a TENTH as much as men, on average.
And likewise, men also act based on feelings– but it’s the other way around, for example, women’s feelings might be TEN TIMES as strong as men’s, when it comes to how it affects their behavior.
In other words, trying to engage a woman in a sexual manner, is like challenging a Sumo-wrestler to a shoving-match, instead of a foot-race– i.e. DUMB, by playing to HIS strengths instead of yours!
THIS is the whole secret, of why so many guys find women a mystery– meaning THEY CAN’T FIGURE OUT how to get laid, when they do EVERYTHING to have sex with her!
THAT’S THE PROBLEM! YOU CAN’T WIN by doing that, unless you’re REALLY LUCKY– in fact, that’s why they CALL it “getting lucky,” since it’s a FLUKE!
But once you DO get her to “feel” attracted to you, then you’re ALREADY as good as laid, since SHE CAN’T RESIST YOU, no matter HOW hard she tries!
Given the above information, the choice is clear: IGNORE sex entirely, and focus ENTIRELY on her emotions; and YOU CAN’T LOSE.
Of course, I know this is Speed Seduction 101: i.e. “connection first, sex second–” and that once you have connection, you don’t even usually NEED to go for sex. But now I’m telling you that once you’ve got a GOOD influence over her feelings, you NEVER need to focus on sex– you just have to DO it, and she will NEVER refuse you!
I’m simply illustrating the MAGNITUDE of women’s emotions, in comparison to men’s– since again, men ALWAYS make the fatal mistake of assuming that women feel the same way that men do; and so they ignore feelings and go straight for sex– and might even try to use feelings in an obvious SEGWAY to sex, which ALWAYS BACKFIRES; since of course, this is as stupid as trying to attract a woman by dressing like a hot chick and getting breast-implants; it’s just not as PLAINLY stupid.
But again, that’s good– since you’ll have less COMPETITION… almost NONE, in fact, since the other guys are following a strategy that can’t win, and you’re following one that can’t LOSE.
So to recap: FOCUS ENTIRELY ON HER EMOTIONS, and the rest will take care of itself!
very smart title
If a girl told me she didn’t have any chemistry with a guy then I would interpret that as she not getting along or has no repour with him or maybe from her point of view, he’s not doing it for me rather than I (she) having to admit to any faults of her own like being stuckup or too choosy ! Ross you should have asked her what her female friends think of her situation, thats if she has any. I’ve never met a women who could explain what she ment. The same can be said about guys only that with guys its not as bad. I think the reason for women not explaining things is becuase they have so much emotion and social awkwardness tied in with vocabularily. In a phone conversation with a women I asked several times to explain something to me, I told her how ‘a breath of fresh air’ it was to find someone who could explain things to me that made sense, without criticizing her directly. She felt guilty and apologetic. Its definitely genetic Ross.
The real piece & peace !
Uh..not sure what you mean, Tony.
@Alan Hoe kom je er bij dat NL geen subliminale commando’s te verweven zijn in zins opbouw?,Heb je het boek MF nog nooit gelezen of zo..Duhhhhhh,Maar Je engelse feed back van patronen ,Is outstanding Dude.I copy that ;> for sure.Cheers
Round of applause on languaging for wingman Alan. SpeedSeduction pattern language laughed at me the first 50 embarrassing times the stuff fumbled out my mouth. The cure for me came the weekend that the hottie next door moved out. She and me had the chemistry of wet gunpowder. My dumpster dive turned up her letters to previous hunch buddies. Her oft used words, phrases, themes, and sentence constructions were used to massage a Ross Jeffries Incredible Connection Pattern and the resulting masterpiece put to memory. Surprised I was, to find that the thing rolled right off my tongue and downright amazed to find that my 2 minute “er ummm ho humm” conversational attempts with women are a thing of the past. Welcome in the age of arm-in-arm instant dates. I now speak clearly, slowly, and with confidence. I am now an interesting person. I let theme and intent trump grammar. Thanks Ross.
Danny, that is a fantastic story! You dumpster dived for research! I love it.
Theme and intent should ALWAYS trump perfect construction.
Good. Now, what’s your message? Here’s some piece of valuable information with a competitive edge and “bait” so I can get you to buy more? You know Ross, to this day you still treat people like lab mice, you think you can manipulate things instead of really giving something of value to others. You are an egomaniac.
My message is to think about the ways in which social programming and mass media keeps us thinking in limiting ways around what works with women.
I treat people like “mice”? Really? That’s a pretty omni-scient position you are taking, assuming you know my motives with all people all of the time.
If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time you know I damn well give away more valuable free content than the other “gurus” sell, combined.
Yes, sometimes a post is meant only to provoke thought, discussion and interest. And even that is something of value.
Not only women have this kind of mechanism of entangling emotions with body sensations, mental imagery, sounds, gestures etc… all humans does that, and that´s why i agree wth Ross that meditation can help anyone to become aware of these processes for their own, and than being able to lead and to direct these sensation pieces to build what women would call “chemistry”. Instead of taking the statement of missing chemistry as sign of “so there´s nothing i can do”, it´s better to understand it as “up until now, you haven´t started yet to ignite my processes for wanting to f**k you… so give it another shot”.
Alan, I also have this kind of trouble, since in portuguese, my original language, we can´t embed commands as well as in English cause the verb forms differ too much… but the meaning/phoenetic ambiguity is just one tool (very usefull btw) to embed the command… what i discovered is that the main part is to engage the imagination so the women have to create the image in her mind, hear the sounds, have the sensations, and then the command slide right in anyway, what makes SS extremely useful…
Rossy, I like these vids, how about a live webcam seminar sometime in the future 😉
I like the thought provoking topics. It seems to me that the fact that they have derived that this process as being beyond their control would make manipulating it easier. The first thing that cam to my mind would be using it as a universal experience.
“Chemistry is a odd thing. Have you ever mixed two chemicals together to see how they would react? Some don’t react right away and take some time for the reaction to build and some happen instantaneously. Some have no visible signs……they might have a warmth that starts deep inside etc………..Some have definite visual signs like a bright picture of this person in your mine………………………and some have a soothing sound that you hear from that special place in your mine……………”
Sounds like a good pattern.
There can’t be any chemistry because she’s a Yankee fan and I’m a lifelong Mets supporter! It’s all some magical, mystical thing that is beyond all comprehension. Okay, she can believe that and then, after her cellphone has all your contact numbers as her first speed dial entries, she’ll think it was all “chemistry” and not just your skill in building that relationship. BTW-I may not be the most active SS practioner, but using just HALF of the “Blammo” pattern, I’m now married to a beauty queen. She thinks we have “chemistry” too. Afterall, it’s not just for bedding every woman that walks by. It’s about making life better for both of you.
Interesting title indeed.
A little imbedded command, designed to take care of the competition perhaps? 😀
Scope ambiguity, isn’t that what you called it? ^^
Good stuff Brian – props
I object to the guys who see seduction as an us vs. them situation. It isn’t. Women want to be seduced. By a guy with some communication skills. A guy who sees a woman as a partner in the seduction.
With that said, there are some of us women who do use logic and reasoning. And there are some men who say they do but don’t. Anyway, I do think that many of us, both women AND MEN are taught to explain things with “it just doesn’t feel right” instead of being more specific and descriptive.
So Ross is doing you guys a favor by pointing all of this out. A majority of the women you will encounter, will explain things in a vague way–chemistry, mystery, a feeling, connection etc. I know some women will use vagueness in order to spare some dude’s feelings. There wasn’t any chemistry (feeling) there blah blah blah. So you have to read between the lines OR try to get her to explain what she means.
Ross’s training will help you. He does give you lots of free stuff.