Dear Seeker of Success,
A recent coaching call with a student revealed how pervasively the Romance Racketeers have spoiled the game for smart men everywhere.

This student is 29 years old.
He asked two questions:
- “Should I pursue older women or younger women?”
- “Where would I find older women, or younger women?”
Many smart men – of all ages – ask questions similar to these.
The Answers Are Always The Same,
Regardless Of Age (Yours Or Hers)
First: I recommend you find women who are f@@kable, by your own definition.
Short or tall? Young or old? Skinny or fat? You decide.
Second: It’s not about where you go. It’s about what your state of mind is and what your skills are. Speed Seduction® will work anywhere, anytime.
The bookstore? Bars or clubs? Coffee shop? The beach? A wine tasting? Again, you decide.
I Don’t Go Places To Sarge.
I Sarge When I Go Places.
The real piece of advice I would give you is: have fun with this stuff and do your best to understand how it works.
Understand that this is not about “dating”.
It’s about getting past that and getting directly to a woman’s emotions.

Speed Seduction® is not about asking, “Where do I take her on a date? When do I make my move?” It’s about understanding that women’s emotions, like love, desire, lust and connection, have a certain structure or pattern in their mind.
You can bring that pattern to the surface and get them in those states.
Rather than asking, “How can I get her into bed?” ask this instead…
“How can I get her to feel states of connection, horniness and desire when she’s around me?”
In those states, it’s much easier to get those behaviors.
Do your best to get into the Speed Seduction® mindset, which is all about emotional states.
P.S. What would it be worth to you if you knew you could get the hottest women completely lusting and eager for you within twenty minutes of meeting you, without even having to bother with a “date”?
How do you deal with your own morals? Basically needing her to make a strong statement of desire or fear that you are somehow taking advantage of her? In my case, I think it’s more of a passive aggressive excuse, but it has been getting in the way..
@Z23 Women can and will make their own decisions. As long as she is in agreement, there is no problem.