Dear Seeker of Success,
Something to think about when using pick-up lines and language patterns during your conversations with women.

It’s great to know which of the twin brothers did what, understand intellectually the deeper meaning behind that Discovery Channel documentary, etc.
But simply saying the “right” words will not automatically cause her panties to fly off.
So, if she’s not responding the way you want….
….Before Getting YOURS All Up
In A Bunch, Consider This
It may be the way in which you deliver it. With any kind of patterning, it’s the energy you put behind it.
If your energy is, “I don’t know if this is going to work,” if you’ve never had that experience for yourself or you can’t at least imagine what it would be like to have the experience, then it becomes difficult to talk about it in a way that conveys what you want to convey.

Generally speaking, if you’re having a challenge, it’s possible the person isn’t getting it or it’s not fitting into the conversation. What’s equally and potentially likely is you’re not conveying the kind of energy you want. You’re not leading them in your own feeling to allow them to process the experience.
Sarging Means Being Able To See Into
Situations That (At First) Don’t Quite
Seem Like They’re Going Somewhere
Many times when we do a Sarge, we can’t immediately tell what particular doorway or format is going to be most useful in opening up the responsiveness in women.
Notice I didnt say “getting women to be responsive”.
Women are either going to be responsive or not according to their own psychological makeup.

It’s our job to get to that response in the way in which we present things, the doorways and vibes with which we present.
P.S. Maybe you haven’t learned to create the kind of intense emotional states in women that MAKE THEM HOT TO BANG YOU!!
At best you create states of comfort and casual enjoyment, which means, nine times out of ten, with the women you really want…
…you wind up choking the chicken instead of stroking the cat!
RJ… have you read – “What Do Women Want? The Science Of Female Desire” by Daniel Bergner ? He seems to be confirming things that you brought up back in the mid 90’s (and Rick H with “all women are bi) that women are highly sexual but held back by cultural constrictions, but Bergner takes it a step further and seems to be saying that even emotional connections are superfluous, that both men and women are lusty perverts. That being the case , is a women ‘s strong response to incredible connection do to it being programmed in from society, or is there a biological, innate aspect to it?
If you didn’t read the book her is a link that gets to the heart of it
@Harry – I have said that women are sexual beings, just as men are.