Mon, Feb 17, 2025
Why Do (Otherwise) Confident Guys Get Tongue-Tied Around 9s and 10s?
Dear Seeker of Success, Recently I had a student tell me he is really good at approaching HB6s and HB7s (women who he deems “not bad”, but not incredibly hot either). But, when it came to “9s” and “10s” (amazingly hot women), he just could not approach or get them into bed. Seemed something was […]
Is Today's Sarge Getting Clobbered By Yesterday's Sarge?
Dear Seeker of Success, Do you stop the Sarge too early? Was she giving you THIS look – yet you threw in the towel? Do you interpret (or choose to interpret) a woman’s seeming disinterest as a cue to Exit, Stage Left without even going through with the audition? Does one Sarge gone bad sabotage […]
My Weirdest Pick Up Ever
Dear Seeker of Success, I’ve picked up women in some pretty odd places in my career. After my heart attack in 2013, I picked up the head of patient services while I was laying in my hospital bed, tubes and wires running out of me like some kind of android. From my hospital bed. Hours […]
How To "Reset" When You're Feeling Aroused (VIDEO)
Dear Seeker of Success, Enjoy this “sneak peek” clip from our upcoming Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster video collection. It’s a brief, but action-packed, lesson on how to reset yourself when you get really aroused and horny in the presence of a woman you find highly attractive (and part of a larger demo that […]