Mon, Feb 17, 2025
But She Says She's Seeing Some Other Guy
Dear Seeker of Success, Pretty much every woman, regardless of her position on the HB scale, is probably at some stage of “seeing someone” or at very least, is no more than a couple phone dials away from an on-demand booty call. That doesn’t make it any less annoying when she says she’s “seeing someone”, […]
How To Be "The Greatest" With The Ladies
Dear Seeker of Success, One of my favorite all-time sports legends is Muhammad Ali. Now, I am old enough of a fart to remember Ali boxing, in his prime. Back when he was a young fighter, he was so fast, so unpredictable, and had such amazing reflexes that you could actually see the moment when […]
When You're "Taken" With The Taken Chick Who Takes It Away
Dear Seeker of Success, A question I get asked frequently is, what to do when you have the hots for a woman who already has a bore-friend, BUT she seems to be into you too…. …..and she says she’s this close to having a fling with you or even dumping him for you? One of […]
"Go Back To School And Get Back On A Roll!"
Dear Seeker of Success, My success as a Seduction teacher is YOUR success. I am doing right by you when you take the principles I teach and apply them to their own situation. If you’ve been out of the game for a while, going back and reviewing my material can jump-start your girl-getting game and […]