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10 Fatal Mistakes With Women:

How These Ten Fatal Mistakes Could Be Destroying Your Love Life and Guaranteeing You Decades of Settling, Struggle, and Total Frustration

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Claim Your Access To This Speed Seduction® Guide And Discover:

  • Why focusing on the behaviors and actions you want from women almost guarantees you will NOT get anywhere with her
  • How your old limiting emotions, ways of acting, and responding may be blocking your current results - and how to create new realities with women you desire and want to be with
  • Why setting your sights too low (rather than too high) is a con set up by the Romance Racketeers to drain your wallet - and one question you can ask that reveals if you're falling for that con right now
  • The "real truth" about women and “Nice Guys” revealed - it's not that women dislike nice guys because they're boring or weak - it's something much more profound
  • Ross Jeffries' Rule #68 for Success With Women, which if you don't follow it, your chances with (and choices of) women are reduced to zero
  • Why there is more than one kind of “confidence” - and if you try for the wrong one, you will actually screw up your progress and seriously block your success
  • How to make the transition from talking to getting physical, and the 4 reasons why so many guys find it so hard to do
  • And much, much more - what I've shown you now is just a "sampler" of what's on the full menu in this power-packed, concise meet-women guide

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