Wait... Before You Get Started!
First of all, congratulations on your wise decision to claim the "Holiday Healing" For Body, Mind, And Soul series.
Before you complete your registration, I just want to make sure you have everything you need. I have found that many of my students who find themselves needing this sort of teaching and mentoring, ALSO benefit from teaching on areas including confidence, inner game, and hypnosis.
Plus, I want you to have the opportunity to get started right now with some great teaching (some of which is not available for sale anywhere) that awaits you right now inside the same Members' Area where the recordings of this teaching will reside.
For that reason, I would like to show you BIG savings (as you'll see) and get you started right now with my...
"Inner Game, Confidence, And Advanced Hypnosis Mastery Collection"
We've taken four of our fine recorded courses (total value: $618) and put them together...so you can start experiencing more confidence, more inner-game success, and more motor-vation right now.
Here's what you get:
Trance-Formational Mastery Program #1:
The Complete "Nail Your Inner Game" Course
($297 Value)

Ask yourself how much more success you will experience with...
- A way to take any and all confusion, frustration, and stuckness you’ve ever experienced with women, and immediately convert it to pure, immediately usable learning, so you could bounce right back, and automatically do things right the next time?
- Such an effective, sure way to learn from every situation, that you could develop a "stealth charisma" that was subtly attractive, completely undetectable, and utterly independent of any external validation from anyone?
- No further need for assurance or guarantee of success of any kind before you took bold (and fun) seduction steps, as you walk like a giant where other people fear to step!
Nail Your Inner Game is the best, most systematic, fool proof, breakthrough system for untangling the confusion and “re-infection” that keeps guys stuck entirely, or stuck at a very underachieving level, and I’ve created a way where anyone can use it.
Trance-Formational Mastery Program #2:
Unstoppable Confidence Course
($47 Value)

How about this - just as soon as you claim your access, you'll get even more of my personal, hands-on teaching. You will see a link inside to download my five-part "How To Have Unstoppable Confidence and Power With Women" course!
In no time flat, it will have the hottest women in your bed every night as you laugh to yourself at how easy it is!!!
Trance-Formational Mastery Program #3:
Secrets Of Advanced Hypnosis
($147 Value)

Here's what you'll learn in this course, that has never been released except as a bonus for the Deluxe version of the former Speed Seduction® 3.0 course (and is thus no longer available anywhere else):
- The Secrets Of Command Presence
- How To Radiate Authority, Power And Silently Give The Message
- How To Shift The Thoughts Of Others Without Saying A Word And Program Others To Dream What You Wish - Here it is, my fabulous "Dream VCR". Learn to influence others erotically AND OTHERWISE when they are dreaming and asleep!
- How quiet and clear your mind, for maximum learning and empowered perception
- How to develop incredible focus so you can choose and redirect your thoughts, in an instant, in the field, in even the most trying situations, choosing your power, over your past
- And much much more!
I’ll make it yours to use and enjoy, as soon as we process your immediate order and upgrade.
Trance-Formational Mastery Program #4:
The Triple-Threat Speed Seduction® Power-Pack
($127 Value)

I want to make sure you have EVERYTHING to succeed with the hottest women you'll see.
For that reason, I've cobbled together a quick, no-frills, cut-to-the-chase, I-just-need-the-raw-basics, lay-it-out-for-me, "Cliff Notes", "crash course" on the most common practical techniques of Speed Seduction® for you.
From From Fear to Charisma...to the Gold Walk-Up...to Irresistible Arousal, it's all there!
"You've Convinced Me, Ross...I'm Stepping Up, Right Now. How Do I Upgrade (And How Much Do I Save?)"
If you come back later and purchase these courses separately, your total price for "Nail Your Inner Game" and the "Speed Seduction® Power Pack" will come out to $424.00. And you can't even get the Secrets of Advanced Hypnosis standalone.
This means: even if you COULD get "Holiday Healing" and all 4 of these additional courses, separately, you'd pay a grand total of $815.
However, I want to make this easy for you.
Upgrade today and your price is just 3 easy payments of $179 each when you instantly add the "Inner Game, Confidence, And Advanced Hypnosis Mastery Collection" to your enrollment in the "Holiday Healing For Mind, Body, And Soul" series.
Please Select Your Investment Option Now:
Yes! Thank You Ross! Of course I want to take advantage of this awesome offer! I don't want to have to spend OVER $800.00 to buy these courses separately later, when I know now they will greatly benefit my mastery. I'd much rather have MORE for just 3 payments of $179 each TOTAL...
No thanks Ross, I'm pretty sure that just attending the "Holiday Healing" For Body, Mind, And Soul series is all I need right now. I know others will use this information to add rocket fuel to their investment, but I am willing to take my chances, and pay much more later if I change my mind!
[Questions? Need assistance? Contact us at team@seduction.com or 323-252-1531 today!]