Wait... Before You Get Started!
First of all, congratulations on your wise decision to take charge with your investment in the Speed Seduction® Path to Poon Video Series!
Before you complete today’s order, I just want to make sure you have everything you need.
I have found, over many years, that - time and time again - many of my students who complete Speed Seduction® courses come back sooner or later (in most cases sooner THAN later) wanting to live coaching, support, and mentoring in their quest toward ultimate mastery.
For that reason, I would like to save you time and show you the opportunity to "double down".
I’ve got a special invitation for 15 people only to join my:
Poontang Posse 8-Week Mastermind Hosted By Me, Ross Jeffies

If you are ready to get live access to me and enjoy my mentorship, encouragement, and word-for-word advice then I want to invite you to join my one time only mastermind where I’ll provide you that AND more.
Each week, for 8 weeks, we will meet with a small, exclusive group mastermind of your brothers in Sarge to get handholding, butt-kicking, and ANSWERS that fit YOUR situation.
Your membership includes:
Admission To My Eight Week, “Poontang Posse” Group Training Program! ($2,997 Value)

Now, hold on to your jock -strap because this is going to give you wood and make your head spin!
For 8 weeks, you are going to get muff-munching membership to my exclusive Poontang Posse, Ask Me Anything, group cootch catching coaching program.
Each week, we will meet as a group, via Zoom, for one hour where I’ll answer your questions and turn your stuck points to nearly instantaneous pathways to puss-pounding suck-ess.
(Of course, if you can’t make the calls, the raunchy replays will be put in the exclusive members’ area)
So, just to make it clear, you are getting…
A Total Of 8 Hours Of Live, Group Coaching With Me!
Value Of This To You For This Enormous Electrify Your Erection Mastermind:
(I am serious when I say I’ll never do this again. In fact, I swear on my cats’ lives, which if you know me, I take very, very seriously. You move or you lose on this one!)
Lifetime Access to All Recordings ($497 Value)

While you'll get the best results when you attend all 8 sessions live so you get to participate in the Q and A sessions plus interact with your fellow Brothers in Sarge, I get it - stuff comes up.
You have to work.
Or maybe by Week 2 you'll already have a meet set up with a woman who's only available at that specific time.
The good news for you is that as the sessions are finished, within 24 hours they will be added to our exclusive Members' Area.
Either way, you're covered.
Lifetime Membership in Our Private "Poontang Posse" WhatsApp Group ($497 Value)

Ever since the Usenet days, what has made Speed Seduction® unique and special is our sense of community.
Our Yahoo! group was legendary (I miss it to this day), and we have a great Facebook group now.
Being a member of our WhatsApp group means you and your horny sargers can chat 24/7 with each other by voice and even video calls about whatever comes up.
Can you even put a price on knowing, you are not alone anymore!
Totally value to you, as you naturally find yourself joining right now:
Now, Pay Attention, Because THIS… IS… CRUCIAL…
To keep quality up, I am just taking 15 people.
You need to hustle your ass because our first session is March 12th, just a few days away from now.
What's your investment to join?
Just 3 Payments of $179 Each (added to the video series)
Now, before you swallow your tongue, consider that to get one-one-coaching with me now costs $4500 an hour, with a minimum of 10 sessions.
(That’s $45,000 for the whole deal)
Compared to that, 3 payments of $179 each is chump change.
So grab your seat NOW because to keep quality up, I really have to limit this to just a handful of totally dedicated students.
Please Select Your Investment Option Now:
Yes! Thank You Ross! Of course I want to take advantage of this awesome offer! I'm DONE with "getting lucky", "real-hate-shun-ships by default", and trying to figure it out on my own. Yes, I want to work with you directly by joining the Poontang Posse 8-Week Mastermind. I'm ready to Double Down and join the mastermind in addition to claiming my "Path to Poon" videos...
No thanks Ross, I don't need the incredible benefits I'll gain from being part of the Poontang Posse 8-Week Mastermind. I know others will use this opportunity to super-charge their power and add rocket fuel to today's investment, but I am willing to take my chances seeing if I can eke it out on my own.
[Questions? Need assistance? Contact us at team@seduction.com today!]