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Update Your Speed Seduction® Payment Information

We're here to help you get back on track quickly!

Take The Next Step Now:

I want to thank you again for your wise decision to invest in Speed Seduction® products and solutions!

Here are the two easy ways to update your payment information (for installment payments on a recorded product, Elite Mastermind Program membership, or seminar registration):

1) You should have received an e-mail from our secure shopping cart, containing a link that lets you update your information instantly. Just follow the instructions.


2) Call Lisa (Coaching) or Sheila (Products and Seminar Registrations) at (323) 252-1531 and they will take your updated credit card and reprocess your payment.  If we miss your live call, be sure to leave your callback number and the product or course you own in your voice message for fastest callback.

If you have questions, need assistance, or we can serve you in any other way, please e-mail us at or call us at (323) 252-1531.


Ross Jeffries
The Living Legend of Seduction™

Copyright © 1997-present, Ghita Services, Inc.  All Rights Reserved | Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction®
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