"Pick-Up Guru Swears Under Oath He’s Totally Sane – And Endorses 5 Amazing Seduction Courses That Could TRIPLE Your Seduction Success!"
The "Next Generation" Of The Hayley Quinn “Macking Mega-Pack” – 5 Fantastic, Game-Boosting Courses (And An Amazing, Jaw Dropping Bonus) Will Rock Your World, Turbo-Charge Your Speed Seduction® Studies, And Turn You On While You Watch And Learn!
From The Desk Of:
Ross Jeffries, Officially-Retired “Godfather” of The Worldwide Seduction Community
Dear Seduction Master-In-Training,
Way back in 2015...
When I first told my operations manager, Sebastian, that I was going to release a set of courses that don’t carry the Speed Seduction® label... that were...
created by a girl...
……He Asked Me If I Had F@@king Lost My Goddamned Mind!
(Personal note: everyone on my team is encouraged – no, make that REQUIRED – to offer me their honest opinion about any and every decision I make. Being able to open your mind to something different is right at the top of my creative strategy, and why I’ve come so far with you guys at my side!)
In any event, I want to assure you of two important things:
- I swear by the memory of Sargy the Great Gray Cat, I have NOT lost my mind!
- What I’m about to offer to you from the fantastic Hayley Quinn – my erstwhile protégé and prodigy for over three years – will truly up your game, and even improve your ability to use Speed Seduction®!

Hayley Quinn and me teaching the July 2014 London Seminar!
Listen: after having been badly burned a few times over the past 30 years, I was very, very cautious about sharing anything created by someone else.
Many have asked, requested, pleaded, and begged.
But, I’ve learned over time: even the very best people can have some serious problems, or just find me a big pain in the ass.
That said, Hayley truly has shown herself to be
Different, Deeper, And Far More Real Than Anyone I Have Ever Worked With
Over the past few years, she’s deeply impressed me with her smarts, dedication and devotion to her students.
I’ve watched her doing Skype sessions and nodded along in approval as she gave answers that even made me (the guy who started this whole shebang back in 1988) pause and think differently.
I’ve watched her give talks, and more importantly, gently and powerfully teach some very stuck guys how to make things work in the field.
And, most of all, I’ve watched her teach at my London events in 2013 and 2014 (as you will see in just a moment) in a way that truly touched and changed my students…
…and made me so f@@king proud and happy to have found someone so worthy, that…
...I Literally Went Back To My Room And Cried.
(She’s really just that good – for real.)
Watch this brief clip of her presentation at one of those seminars, where she demonstrates how to properly hug a woman goodbye in a way that she actually wants to see you again:
Here she is on using intrigue and authenticity to make that first conversation with a woman ELECTRIC:
Sample of a lesson on how to use touch to heat things up on a “first date” (with some critical wisdom included):
And finally, a few insights on what women find sexy and intriguing:
See what I mean? 🙂
Anyway... Back In 2015, I Released The Original "Macking Mega-Pack" - And Students Loved It!
From the moment we opened the doors, these Macking Mega-Packs flew off the virtual shelves.
Students shared nothing but praise over how awesome everything was.
The only sad part was that I was only licensed to share it for a limited period of time - once that was up, I had to lock the doors for good.
That didn't stop many of you from continuing to ask, beg, offer huge sums of money, and more if I could just make ONE exception, even though I couldn't.
Rest Assured Though - Your "Chairman Of The Broads" Heard Your Pleas And Went To Work On Your Behalf!
A few weeks ago I was catching up with Hayley.
She mentioned she had some massively-updated courses that are currently not for sale on her own website, and would I perhaps be interested in setting up a new licensing deal for you?
That was a quick "HELL YES" from your Sultan of Schwing!
I even got her to throw in a word-for-word texting with women guide as a SPECIAL bonus, as you'll see in a moment.
(You're welcome!)
The rest is history that will soon be recorded - the pen is now in your hand to create that story when you claim your access to...
The Exclusive "Next Generation" Hayley Quinn Macking Mega-Pack
(Available Only Through This Webpage, For A Limited Time)
Ok; let’s cut to the chase and tell you what’s included in this massive and amazing collection of this 100% Ross Jeffries approved teaching!
Course #1:
"The Attraction Loophole"

Here is Hayley with 18 video modules, packed with secrets, insights and methods to up your “attraction factor” without having to adopt some kind of “PUA” personality.
Since I can’t possibly pack a description of all 18 into this letter (and the same goes for all 5 courses in the Mega-Macking pack), I’ll describe my favorite top 3:
- Module 1: How Women Think - In this module, Hayley “unpacks” the female psyche, and I gotta say while I clash with her on some of these points, some of her insights here are really great. I’ve learned from them myself.
- Module 3: Demonstrating Self-Esteem - Hayley really gets into the nitty-gritty of standing-up for yourself in a subtle way that makes you stand out as unique and different, again without the fake “Alpha” bullshit.
- Module 12: Day 2 - Discover the exact methods for making the “Day 2” follow-up connections when you can’t close on the first meeting/hang-out.
Course #2:
"The Second Date Blueprint"

Does it seem like every meet-up (or "date") with a woman is a one-time deal, and there's no second date?
Do you struggle to walk the fine line line between what's called "flirting" vs. being perceived as a sleazeball?
Does it seem like women's expectations of you are sky-high, so it feels like you're always failing (and not wanting to try again)?
When you ask to see her again, do you struggle with how to ask, only to end up seeing she "read" your message and didn't reply?
How often do you find yourself in the Friend Zone faster than you blink your eye?
How many times this year, so far, have you been ghosted?
All that ends - now - with the "Second Date Blueprint" - and as much as I don't like that word "date", I DO like the principles Hayley shares on getting the woman excited about seeing you again.
Dive in and discover:
- Detailed examples of messages to send her after the first date that get her saying “YES” and “WHEN” rather than leaving the message as “read” without reply
- Revealed: the surprising reasons why she may not want to see you the second time
- How to show her you are a “Selector” who is only interested in women you powerfully connect with – and how to make that connection in the first place
- Taking her back to your house – how to suggest it, when to suggest it, and what makes her eager and excited to join you
- The “Speed Bonding” Formula that creates a “spark” and leaves her wanting more
Course #3:

After watching this one, I like to think of it as the "Date to Mate Operating System".
See, now we are getting into some really juicy stuff.
Here is where you get to tap Hayley’s 10 years of coaching super-hot women to become “that can’t-quite-figure-him-out” guy that has hot women chasing you.
Now listen: I do NOT believe in “dating” as such, as I've said ten thousand times.
As you know, I think you can (if you are very good at Speed Seduction®) seduce a woman over a cup of coffee.
However, some women still want a bit more, and you might even want to enjoy a bit more company before you bounce those bedsprings.
So if you want to up your odds, I still think this module is very, very valuable.
And that’s why I love this module of the program.
Here’s what you get:
- The “Hybrid Flirtation” strategy, which ensures that women see you in a sexual way and you don’t get stuck in the friend zone
- Hayley’s exclusive “Conversational Tech” module, which includes exclusive tips and techniques on how to seamlessly shift topics and use conversational skills to your advantage. When taught in seminars, students all reported having massive results using it!
- Proven ways to create sexual tension - and how to clearly see it developing so you can stoke it to the boiling point
- How to leave her wanting more, if logistics don’t allow you to close the deal
- Online Dating Hacks, enabling you to apply the DatingOS strategies on dating websites and apps to meet women
- And much, much more, including a complete "first date" strategy for you to adapt to your situations with your women!
I agree, that this topic is one that many smart guys, like you, are ready to learn, and having it in your arsenal will open a whole new world of Sarging opportunities.
Course #4:
"Inside Her Mind"

What if you had the ability to know exactly what a woman was thinking?
What if you knew what was going through her mind in every stage of the dating process, from meeting her, to texting her, to going on your first date, to your first sexual experience together?
How much better do you think you could apply Speed Seduction® if you could accurately know what was going on in her mind every step of the way and avoid the “ooopsie f@@k ups” that turn your sarges to l$yt.
That’s the power of going "Inside Her Mind".
It reveals amazing and unique into what women are thinking and what they actually want for each stage of the process - whether it that be the initial meeting, texting her, or “closing the deal”.
Now, I don’t know ALL the ways you can stop…and imagine how applying this powerful knowledge will improve your game at every stage of the way.
You’re the only one who can do that.
Here, you will discover the secrets of:
- A new way to think about the entire process of meeting women and creating experiences together with them
- Insights on what women really want, including (yes) female fantasies and sex
- Powerfully handling objections from women as they arise
- Broaching the conversation about commitment, a very important topic whether you're looking for Ms. Right, Ms. Right Now, or anything in between
- And much, much more, in this power-packed workshop I would be proud to have created myself!
Course #5:
"Approach Anywhere"

This is solid gold – an amazing recorded webinar/workshop Hayley did. It gets the coveted 4-paws-up rating from your Guru of Getting Some!
Having immersed yourself in this learning, you will master
- A simple, fool-proof model to start a conversation
- Using spontaneous and positive observations in your shared environment
- How to use the hidden power of F.E.A.T.S. (This one really opened up MY eyes!)
- How to use "Padding" To create security, safety, and trust
- The most effective angles and posturing for approaches, for public places, clubs, groups, or woman who are alone
PLUS, here are some topics you guys have asked me about for decades:
- How to successfully approach in gyms and fitness classes
- How to successfully approach women you work with – and avoid harassment complaints, losing your job, or being dubbed “The Office Creep”.
- How to effortlessly approach in bars and clubs!
You have asked, your cries for help have been heard, now HERE IT IS FOR YOU!
Now let me just ask you...
Has This Got Your Lust Glands Pumping? Well Guess What...
Listen: while I was negotiating this brand-new licensing agreement with Hayley, just before putting pen to paper (or in this case, putting “HELL YES” in the reply line and clicking “Send”)….
I twisted her arm one more time and she decided to cough up a free, “Fast Action” Bonus for the next 50 people who jump on this and claim the "Next Generation" Hayley Quinn Macking Mega-Pack now.
It’s on a topic that literally thousands of guys have asked me about.
I don’t teach it myself, at least not quite the same way Hayley does…
"Texting for Dating"

Inside my Facebook group, one of the top discussion topics - from newbies as well as experienced Speed Seducers - is "how do I text women to get them interested?"
Other themes include "how do I text this woman I haven't spoken with for a while" and "what word-for-word scripts can I use to get her hot and bothered".
What's more, many women are what Hayley calls "phone-a-phobic", meaning there's a good chance they'll never answer the phone for you - especially to arrange a meeting or a date.
As a special bonus to reward you for your wise decision to invest in the "Next Generation" Hayley Quinn Macking Mega-Pack, you will download this PDF and gain:
- 125+ unique word-for-word text templates, including "First Texts", "Connecting Texts", "Date Texts", Teasing Texts", "Ping Texts", and more
- How to spot the "secret signals in her texts that point to massive interest in you
- How to avoid getting caught in “the Text Zone” – avoiding validating-attention behaviors
- How to make a "cold number" hot - there's a formula that transforms a 30-second pickup while she was on the move into her being excited and willing to meet with you
- How to construct your own, original messages using the principles and workshops contained within this e-book
- Making the interaction sexy and sexual - without the whole thing devolving into meaningless sexting that doesn't lead to a date
Seriously, this is a master-piece; a guideline you will want to turn to time and again.
I have never seen anything so good on this subject.
I’ve been testing her methods myself and seeing some results I’ve never experienced up until now.

Listen: while I still adamantly believe the best course to Sargy success is to get her in-person as soon as possible, I will acknowledge the times they are a-changin’….
….and these days, texting and messaging is a "must".
Oh, and lest I forget:
So, What’s Your Investment For This 100% RJ Approved Hayley Quinn Collection That I Promise Will Add To, And Even Multiply, What You Have Learned From Me?
Well, added up it would look like this:

You read that right: just $397 USD (a little more than a dollar a day) that I guarantee will take your Sarging and Speed Seduction® skills to the next level.
And as always, we offer a 3-payment plan to make sure this stretches your skills, and not your wallet!
Proceed with confidence today, knowing that

One Last Thing Before You Claim Your Access…
Listen: this is (probably) the last time I’ll ever offer anything outside of the Speed Seduction® brand – something you can be certain I would never do unless I could stand by it 100%.
I reached out to Hayley about resurrecting the "Macking Mega Pack" based on strong demand shared with me by many eager students, just like you.
So please trust me when I say: you have to get this incredible collection and enjoy for yourself the success it brings.
It’s Up To You - Keep On Guessing And Muddling Through - Or Take This Special Chance To Claim Your All-Access Pass (It Won't Be Available Long)
Listen: if you want to do it on the cheap, try to figure it out on your own, and guess your way through - then I certainly will wish you good luck and happy journeys in your battle up against incredible odds.
But if you are ready - truly ready - to get this area of life fully handled and put the days of struggle and settling behind you once and for all - and smile to yourself at how good your life feels then GRAB YOUR INSTANT ACCESS PASS NOW!
It’s up to you now. It will be my honor to serve as your teacher and your guide in bringing you this curriculum.
“I’m Rarin’ And Ready, Ross! Let’s Make This Happen. How Do I Get My Instant Access Right Now?”
Just go here to claim your instant access now (you will create a username and password and get started as soon as you finish the online signup process):
(Click here for an easy 3-payment plan for your all-access pass to the "Next Generation" Hayley Quinn Macking Mega-Pack.)
If you have questions or need assistance with your order, or would prefer to claim your access over the phone, or whatever, we’re ready to help! E-mail team@seduction.com or call (323) 252-1531 [use country code 1 as that’s a US number]
Peace and see you inside,
Ross Jeffries
The Living Legend of Seduction™
P.S. Look: one thing that all successful people have in common is they take action. So the choice is really yours:
You can hope things get better on their own.
You can wait for things to get better on your own.
Or you can jam down on that "Add to Cart" button and recognize: things are about to get, way, way better, starting right now.
The choice is yours.
P.P.S. One thing I want to make crystal clear: if you haven’t lived up to your potential with women, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!
You’ve been lied to over and over again by society about what works.
It’s time to strip away those lies and claim your success with women.
It’s your birthright.
P.P.P.S. A number of students inside the Facebook group and on our e-mail list asked me what EXACTLY is inside the course.
You asked, and I delivered.
Here's the complete list of the video segments inside each course module.
Course #1: The Attraction Loophole
- Start Here
- How Women Think
- Become Attractive
- Demonstrating Self Esteem
- Meeting Women
- Dealing With Anxieties
- 5 Steps To Saying “Hello”
- Encouraging Her To Speak
- Connection
- Masculine Qualities
- Getting Her Number
- Texting
- Great Dates
- Overcoming Challenges
- Seduction
- Kiss Technique
- The Follow Up
- Sexual Technique
- Conclusion
- BONUS: Sasha Daygame Interview
- BONUS: Ross Jeffries Interview
Course #2: The Second Date Blueprint
- Why No Second Date
- What Is She Thinking?
- What To Text Her
- Planning The Date
- Conversation That Connects With Her
- Selecting Her
- Taking Her Back To Your House
- Moving The Relationship Forwards
- Thank You
- The Perfect First Date (actual video of a date with Hayley!)
Course #3: DatingOS
- Welcome
- Dating Decoded
- Your New Strategy
- Her Reaction Explained
- Approaching Basics
- Approaching Advanced
- Online Dating Hacks
- Conversation Techniques 1
- Conversation Techniques 2
- Hybrid Flirtation
- First Date Strategy
- Relationship 2-0
- Next Steps
Course #4: Inside Her Mind
- A New Way To Think
- What Women Really Want
- Mastering Conversation
- Signals Of Interest
- Handling Objections From Women
- The Perfect Date
- Talking About Commitment
- Female Fantasies and Sex
Course #5: Approach Anywhere
- One (1) video, two hours in length
SUPER BONUS: Texting for Dating
- One (1) PDF, 73 pages in length, with scores upon scores of word-for-word text examples for you to use
P.P.P.P.S. Do you want the "Next Generation" Macking Mega-Pack, or do you want a 404 (Page Not Found) Error… when you’re in front of a woman wishing you knew what the hell to say to her?
Or when you're online, or on your phone, wishing you knew what the hell to type to her?
Get going now; there’s not a second to lose if you want this very special course.