Wait... Before You Get Started!

First of all, congratulations on your wise decision to take charge with your investment in the Speed Seduction® Technical Manual!

Before you complete today’s order, I just want to make sure you have everything you need. I have found that many of my students who complete this course, come back later for even more paint-by-numbers, hands-on, practice-now-and-put-it-in-action-today training.

For that reason, I would like to save you time and money right now and show you the opportunity to add on the

Speed Seduction® Language And Conversation Course: Your “Hands-On”, “Here’s-Exactly-How-It’s-Done” Guidebook To Mastering ANY Girl-Getting Conversation...

Part of what this course on languaging and conversation does is build upon the language and speaking tools students already have so that you go way beyond “memorizing patterns”.

The best way to describe it would be having literally HUNDREDS of subjects, topics, and things to talk about, that aren’t something you need to “think about”, they aren’t a “script”, they become things that YOU KNOW and that YOU CAN TALK ABOUT as easily as you can say your own name!

(In short, you’ll NEVER be tongue-twisted again.)

"You've Convinced Me, Ross...I'm Going BIG, Right Now. How Do I Upgrade (And How Much Do I Save?)"

Normally, when you invest in both courses separately, your total price would come out to $398.00.

So, I’ve made it super easy for you to boost your girl-getting power right now.

Upgrade now, and you will add the “Speed Seduction® Language and Conversation Course” for just $349 total for both courses.

You’ve spent more that in the past year on dates that went south while you sat there like a frog on a log desperately trying to not sound like a total fucking moron.

Please Select Your Investment Option Now:

Yes! Thank You Ross! Of course I want to take advantage of this awesome offer! I'm DONE being at a loss for words and making a goof of myself with women. I'm ready to Double Down With Dave and get BOTH courses now...

Click Here To Add The Speed Seduction® Language and Conversation Course And "Double Down"

No thanks Ross, I don't need a by-the-numbers, complete system that could well liberate me from ever being tongue-tied with the ladies. I know others will use this information to super-charge their girl-getting power and add rocket fuel to their Speed Seduction® investment, but I am willing to take my chances, and pay more later if I change my mind (and if I'm lucky and these courses are still around).

Click Here To Claim Just The "Speed Seduction® Technical Manual"

[Questions? Need assistance? Contact us at team@seduction.com or 323-252-1531 today!]