Fri, May 03, 2024
Dear Seeker of Success, Time and time I’ve heard it again, from students and other smart guys who approach women with a specific sequence of actions or memorized pick-up lines. There’s a reason why I hear it. One (or more) of three things will usually happen(and many times one leads from the other): a) She’ll […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Whenever I hear someone is in a relationship, my first question: is it a relationship, or a real-hate-shun-ship by default? Your married pal – does he have a wife-for-life who inspires him every day, or a “whyfe” he does everything to avoid? Before we go any further, let me be clear: […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Nothing makes me feel better than seeing students get fantastic results. (Actually, I can think of one thing that makes me feel better… he he he) When people want to change, I look for process, personal symbols, the meaning they attach to things, physiology, feeling flows and all different levels of […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A student of mine asked me what to do when dealing with women who knew him before he became a Speed Seduction® Master. In other words, back when he was an Average Frustrated Chump (AFC) who got in his own way when it came to succeeding with women. Now that he’s […]