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    Jerry December 10, 2013, 1:28 am

    Classic RJ-esque type post! I feel encouraged by this since its been a month, wow, no, two months since going all the way.

    Speaking of Idealising women, an old friend would say nonsense like I’m going to be her X, I’m going to be her Y & I’m going to be her Z!

    Not only sappy tv shows, which were made for the commotion & views, its also guys brainwashing other guys too intentionally & unintentionally. Thread carefully!

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    ronald December 10, 2013, 8:47 am

    Amen to that.
    So true… It gives you a huge advantage when you think of women as someone like your little niece, while talking to them: they cannot harm you, you are the master of the situation, and especially.. you are not afraid of them in any way. Play with them, respectfully, but do play anyway. That’s what I do, at least, when I ‘fear’ my wrongly-installed awe for women (installed by our twisted culture of chivalry and other medieval nonsense) might rise unconsciously. It really helps 😉
    Thanks for the reminder and insight, RJ!

    PS. Why don’t our fathers tell us these things? Do they not know.. or were they sleeping during life? Why is it that every generation of men gets lured into the same traps? Thank the gods for enlightenment and insight 😉

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      rossjeffries December 10, 2013, 7:22 pm

      @Ronald – probably because our fathers are brainwashed too. Romance Racketeer social bullshit program is not a new phenomenon.

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    Leslie Piper December 10, 2013, 8:43 pm

    Most excellent straight left jab smacking to the mind, o Guru. I have put a lot of women up about pedestal level and it has made them mighty damn hard to reach sometimes…looking up their skirts is what I did to my teachers in kindergarten! before I was too damn ‘civilized’…and yeah, I’ve spent a LOT of wasted time mooning over women I should have been teasing and also looking around everywhere else and sarging my ass off.

    Again, thanks, mighty bud and teacher of power. Heal. I’ve been a little under the weather myself…very low electrolytes, so low that my little pet doctor, beautiful Hindi…sent the local cops to find and roust me for
    THAT! In this body of fun and intention we are mortal, and so time becomes more valuable…so I’ll return to the patterns and rewrite some of them again, and go out and MEET MORE WOMEN.

    Rays of Health to you, to your closest, and to Serious Sargers everywhere…

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      rossjeffries December 10, 2013, 9:13 pm

      @Leslie – thank you for your kind words and for all of your awesome comments. I always enjoy them and you bring so much to our community.

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    Danny December 11, 2013, 1:45 am

    Hey RJ,

    great post but there are two things I wish you would respond to:

    1. Don’t you think that just a little bit of Romance is ok? Dya think we should ignore it all together?

    2. Fuck her and then she’s gonna make me a sandwich because that’s how it was meant to be? that sounds a bit like one of the four bad attitudes – the one that goes- “that bitch” or something like that from your free modules.

    Thanks man and hope you feel better


    this is not an attack, the post is great and I found it very helpful, it’s just an honest response to what I’ve read

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      Ross Jeffries December 11, 2013, 7:16 am

      @Danny – It’s perfectly cool to go on “dates” with women AFTER YOU’VE DONE THE POONANI POLKA with her. I go on “dates” myself, but not as part of my strategy to get her in bed.

      My point is: don’t use dinners, movies, shows, roses, and diamonds to get her in bed.

      Take women on dates and get them nice things a) AFTER you’re doing the Mattress Mambo, and b) from a position of strength, meaning you WANT to do it, not that you HAVE to do it in order to continue enjoying tours of the Pussy Palace.

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    Clarence December 11, 2013, 5:12 am

    So yesterday, a man told me things his wife wouldn’t let him wear Fedoras and a host of other things his wife wouldn’t let do a lot of things. I remember a time in my past when I was with women and doing everything they wanted, treating their pussy like it was a gift. I used to give a woman an orgasm and she’d tell me, “Well you had your fun,” and start getting dressed, leaving me with blue balls. And I thought I was in love with this girl who wouldn’t blow me, or for that matter, love me.

    Now, 13 women later after listening to your Seminar Vault, and I don’t invest in women. I walk around not caring what women have to say knowing that their initial reaction is meaningless. I am unapologetic for what my desires, I know what I want, I know what I have to offer, and I live with that clarity.

    Now, I’m bold, assured, and never making those 3 mistakes again.

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      Ross Jeffries December 11, 2013, 7:14 am

      Damn straight @Clarence! And if for whatever reason you ever find yourself backsliding (like someone who’s on an exercise regimen but falls off their workout schedule temporarily), just go back and re-review the teaching again for a “booster” shot. That’s what it’s there for.

      Same message for everyone reading.

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    Clarence December 11, 2013, 8:50 am

    Ross don’t forget to keep yourself healthy. There’s no guru out there that can replace you. You are the top guru to help men get into pink abundance and live a life of sexual freedom. In a mere five months I’ve changed my life so much just by following your systems and techniques and confidence building information you put out there in the Seminar vault. You knock it out of the park. Fuck all the naysayers. You’re program is the ultimate real deal. What other program can have a person say they went from virgin to 13 women in less than half a year.

    And when you do die, we’ll hopefully hear that it was under some twenty-two year old woman who just kept you going like the energizer bunny. Cause a man like you deserves to go with a Smile on Your Face, and a beautiful woman in your bed.

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      Ross Jeffries December 13, 2013, 9:57 am

      @Clarence Well, I did have a heart attack last Saturday with the cirdumflex artery blocked 95% but thanks
      to excellent doctors I’m a-ok. Love your plan for my way of kicking the bucket!

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        A M December 15, 2013, 10:24 am

        Hey Ross take care, don’t waste your energy with students or women 😉

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        Dave B January 4, 2014, 9:05 pm

        Ross , i luv ya buddy, i care about ya and want to see you around for a long time teaching, and expanding upon these vital truths of ss and Psychological Persuasion Technology .

        Eat an organic Raw vegan diet, do 60 days of JUICE FEASTING , * simply google that to learn more * , and i assure you your physical health will skyrocket beyond anything you’ve ever experienced and it will Rejuvenate and regenerate your heart, body , mind and spirit beyond your wildest dreams brother !

        i Guarantee you will thank me a million times and wonder why isnt everyone aware of this ? Its Ruthless obvious common sense , and for that very reason its overlooked and not understood by the ” masses ” in society who know as much about physical health as they do about women….practically Nothing

        Medical Doctors and Medicine can ONLY patch you up in emergency situations and give you temporary short term fixes, solely Relying on them is NOT a wise long term plan, its like relying on candy, flowers and fancy dinners on Valentines day to get inside womans pants. Aint gonna work in long term

        Just as you have helped me Understand women, i can help you Understand the natural beauty, timeless simplicity of Real, True Lasting vibrant Physical health and Rejuventation .

        Physical Transformation toward Youth, vibrant vitality and abundance is a reality rooted in common sense and the Immutable Laws of Nature , There is NO Magic Pill….but there is a Magic process

        Send me an email message Ross !

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    Joey December 11, 2013, 9:10 pm

    I went from being afraid to approach to now well over 200 approaches and viewing it as fun.

    My question-
    I’m a Latin mulatto boy from the dead oppressive boring her has South.
    What’s an affordable City to run game on the West Coast???

    I was thinking Chico, Ca (tons of horny 7s getting their edumacatiin in women’s studies so they be baristas at Starbucks), Portland, Or (weird but cheap), or Seattle (metro for the pine tree woodsman of that area and plenty of Russian and Scandinavian coochie DNA).
    I’ve been to LA (San Bernardino and the high Deset suck ass- I’d rather be hill billy than that shit, but Orange County was nice as was Malibu but 3k/no for a studio-wtf!!!). I like San Francisco chicks they’re really Earthy and chill. Wha about SanDiego (lot Team Murica grunts there by the beach bunny chicks are hot as they were in Manhattan Beach).

    Please pontificate on geography and game on the left coast Sultan of Slit Creaming Persuasion…

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    LucierNaga December 15, 2013, 2:33 pm

    Mr. Ross,

    YOU and your work have changed me, and continue to give me the freedom and power to DEFINE MYSELF and CHOOSE…who I desire to be, or maybe..discover who I am more and more becoming everyday. Thats why your work is at the precipice of the seduction community, as well as its core. I send you nothin but positive vibes, health, joy, peace and a speedy recovery.Some people live their whole damn lives without leaving their mark. You Sir, truly have left your fingerprint AND foot up the ass of the whole supplicating AFC paradigm that has imprisoned so many, formerly including yours truly. Much love and BE WELL my friend.

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    Harsh March 25, 2015, 9:21 am

    There was this girl who had invited me 2 times to hang out with her. It was her birthday and her friend asked me if I could play a song on the guitar just as a present for her. I did and she said a warm thank you, I’m so happy to hear a song. Then she goes, “Will you follow me around as I travel?” I just laughed and just to be polite I said, “I’ll think about it”. What was she trying to get me to do? Idolize her right? As in, “Look at me, the diva! I have a musician at my beck and call and he sings songs of devotion and worship for me” Correct? If language reflects consciousness, what does the phrase, “Will you follow me around?” say about the woman, because I cannot think of anything positive!

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      Ross Jeffries March 25, 2015, 3:00 pm


      I had this vision of her having ‘theme music’ that plays when she enters the room. Some people use the intro to “Eminence Front”, maybe hers is a guitar solo? LOL

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