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    Nick April 20, 2016, 8:17 am

    I’m a very old student of your older SS home study course and I remember that then and now the one lesson you taught us was that its always about the emotions you can create inside a woman that make us attractive to a woman.

    As you said its why there’s always these dumpy looking fellows who seem to have all these beautiful ladies swarm to them like bees to honey.. If we feel repulsive on the inside then its the aura we will project around all who meet us.

    One of your finest post across the various generation gaps in the SS army.

    Nick Sigala
    a student from the 90s

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      Ross Jeffries April 20, 2016, 1:18 pm


      And it’s important to realize that women have emotions ABOUT their emotions, which is a component of the reason why getting a guy turned on is like flipping a switch, but for women, there are usually several steps between “aroused” and “it’s ON”.

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    Harry Lime April 20, 2016, 11:21 am

    The corollary: how good-looking you appear to her will change based on her moods and her feelings of the moment!

    “There is no “fixed” degree of “good looking”.

    It’s not a “quality” or “qualities” you have, but a response she experiences….

    ….and it is always changing.”

    Yes very true. If you say/do the wrong thing you can go from being an underwear model to being someone with elephantitis . Women would like me one minute and then not the next, especially if I went “cock and funny”. A reason I looked into the art /technology of meeting women was that I kept coming across these blokes who were with these stunners but the guys physical appearance was not the equal of the women’s. Somewhere along the line the guy (along with social circle and job etc) moved a women’s emotions where he became an actor. What I also notice is women will look at a picture of a friends boyfriend and say he is really cute, or he looks like some actor, when he is just average. Thanks for clearing this up, it’s a secret the afc will never realize as he feels constantly threatened by a good looking guy but not the one with the real power…the SS’r

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    alex April 20, 2016, 1:58 pm

    Hey ross,
    want to ask you for a link that you provide in module two:
    ive tried to type it in and there is nothing there as you promised for freebies…
    can you help?
    Thanks Ross

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      Ross Jeffries April 21, 2016, 12:09 pm


      Holy hell, we haven’t used “speedseduction.biz” since the year two thousand and fucking nine! We have, over the years, attempted to excise all references to it from videos we still use, but there were a lot of them so I’ll go back and check that when I can.

      In the meantime, here’s the starter kit – you’ll just have to opt in again but you’ll get it immediately:


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    David April 22, 2016, 4:26 pm

    Conversely though, will having low self esteem and bad “inner game” cause women to feel “un-attraction” (repulsion?) because I am subconsciously sending these messages?

    I have the world’s worst game, I call it negative game, because even when I try to “fake it til I make it” I feel that deep down, I’m lying to myself. I wonder now if this is why generating attraction seems so difficult, even after years of reading Bandler and Erickson, etc. How do you cause emotions in someone else’s mind, someone you don’t know, especially if you are not in the right frame of mind?

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      Ross Jeffries April 22, 2016, 9:15 pm


      Yes, conversely, that’s absolutely what happens. It’s the science behind women taking one look at a guy and saying “LOSER!” Unfortunately what you describe is probably exactly that happening. Vibe is both positive and negative.

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    tacticalledif April 23, 2016, 5:18 am

    So Ross you mean that even if I am rated 1/10 attractive by girls , if I can:
    1. get her isolated with me

    2, create rapport with her through matching and mirroring her body language plus breath

    3. Use a soft voice when comparing the difference between love and attraction , affecting submodalities( feel, see, taste n hear)

    4. self pointing myself

    5. Telling her my imaginary falling in love experiences and asking het intimate experiences

    6.Cold reading

    With those simple ways you mean I can get a girl to stalk me and make her my girlfriend?

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      Ross Jeffries April 23, 2016, 10:03 am


      If she’s stalking you and getting you to make her your girlfriend, then you’re a “10”, so to speak.

      We cover this in greater depth in The New Code 2.0.

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