Mon, Feb 17, 2025
The Power Of Asking The Right Questions
Dear Seeker of Success, I want to speak about the most “Jedi” of “Jedi” ideas.  Something Yoda would surely agree with, preach and teach. Not exactly a light saber fight, but still, it sure beats a poke in the eye. It’s about the qualities you bring to your learning. That is, asking yourself a radical […]
She Laughed At Him...25 YEARS Ago?
Dear Seeker of Success, Quick story for you. Yesterday at breakfast I overheard something incredible from the next table. The guy was telling his buddy he blocked a chick on Facebook who had commented on his other buddy’s wall. He blocked her because – get this – at the junior high dance way back when, […]
So You F@@ked Up When You Approached Her?
Dear Seeker of Success, Many smart guys lose momentum on their girl-getting game because they allow their f@@kups on Sarges to block their path to moist pink abundance. After a particular episode is over, they’ll stop and think, “Why didn’t I say this?”  “Why did I do that?” “How could I screw up the goddamn […]
How To Stop Getting Suckered By Cock-Teases
Dear Seeker of Success, During a “dry spell” or after you’ve been in a marriage or long term relationship that comes to an end, it’s easier than ever to get suckered by a cock-tease. You find yourself randomly sarging, mostly opportunity sarging, which means, sarging when you happen to get “lucky” enough to have a […]