Mon, Feb 17, 2025
Leverage That Gets You Out Of The "Cold Shower Loop"
Dear Seeker of Success, In my 25+ years of teaching smart men like you how to get the results you want with the women you desire, I’ve found when people are stuck, their natural tendency is to push harder within the system they are using. That seldom works. When I want to help people change, […]
Feeling It Yet??
Dear Seeker of Success, We’re hip-deep in the Holidays (aka Hellidays) here. Christmas and Hanukkah (which both started about the same time this year) so far. Today is Observed Christmas in the United States, and Boxing Day in the Commonwealth. We’re now careening toward Nude Year’s Eve. Feeling it yet? Think about this. In just […]
Ream The Romance Racketeers!
Dear Seeker Of Success, Speaking to you as someone who hates seeing guys ripped off by the flower, gift, jewelry, entertainment and restaurant industries, the “hell-a-days” truly piss me off. Now, I am a pretty calm person. But in my seminars, when I ask guys to raise their hands if they’ve spent over $2500 on […]
The Mathematical Formula That Multiplies Acceptance Confidence
Dear Seeker of Success, Here’s something for you to consider when you think about how your life can change when you accept and make real for yourself the Speed Seduction® Credo: “When I don’t know what to do, I take a bold step forward.” A student of mine made this comment: “Many guys think (and […]