Mon, Feb 17, 2025
"Go Back To School And Get Back On A Roll!"
Dear Seeker of Success, My success as a Seduction teacher is YOUR success. I am doing right by you when you take the principles I teach and apply them to their own situation. If you’ve been out of the game for a while, going back and reviewing my material can jump-start your girl-getting game and […]
How He Cooks Them In Their Own Juices - Outrageous Student Success Story!
Dear Seeker of Success, As you probably know by now, I have a pretty awesome Elite Mastermind Program. Join my program and 3 times a month, you can call my personal cell phone and ask me your questions about how to achieve your success with your women who you truly desire and want to be […]
"...It Just Baffles Me!"
Dear Seeker of Success, Even more proof that when you invest in Speed Seduction®, you get so much more than just a set of pick-up lines; you get a proven system that gets you sustained results with your women that you truly desire, on-tap whenever you need it. Check out this awesome note I got […]
"She Said, 'I Just Met You And We Shouldn't Be Doing This...' (But Then...)"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I recently received this e-mail from a student of mine about how Speed Seduction® helped him “up” his game with women this past New Years’.  No resolution, just motor-vation to success. Let’s hear him share, in his own words: Ross, I owe you a huge thank you for all of your […]