Fri, May 10, 2024
Can You Change A Previous Female Interest's Feelings About You Today?
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently, someone asked me this question: if you acted like a total AFC toward a woman in the past (lots of flowers, expensive dinners, and “dating” prior to any making-out or sex) and predictably got rejected, before you acquired Speed Seduction® skills, can you go back, show her the new “Sargy” […]
Frame Control: Average Frustrated Chump vs. Girl-Getting Master
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A big part of achieving ultimate success with women you truly desire comes from understanding of the concept of “frames”; the overall guidelines through which you present everything else you do. I truly believe that understanding how to fit all of your thoughts, actions, responses and ideas with women into the […]
What Master Seducers Create In Women (That Sets Them Apart)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, What’s the difference between an Average Frustrated Chump (AFC), a Seducer, and a Master Seducer? Click “Play” to find out… chumpsseducersmasters-desktop.m4v Peace and piece, RJ P.S. I stand by the quality and value of the teaching I deliver in my 3-day seminars so strongly, that I offer a guarantee my competition […]
Watch This, Skeptics....
Dear Speed Seduction® Students, This video speaks for itself. Helping guys like this make their breakthroughs is the reason why I am still passionate about doing this work after 20 years of teaching. Now, if I could do this for a guy like Sina-a 25 year old virgin who was desperately stuck-what could I do […]