Thu, May 09, 2024
Dear Seeker of Success, This was one of my most favorite “Ross Plays With Girls” demos – exactly the sort of thing you’ll see when you claim one of the few remaining seats at the July 30th and 31st London Speed Seduction Seminar. (Veteran Speed Seducers® – share in the comments what you saw me […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In this post, I’m going to give you a very special gift. I’m going to give you, word for word, one of my newest Speed Seduction® language patterns – which for now we’ll call “Doing Debbie” because in all these years, we’ve not yet named a pattern after her. Now, it’s […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Pretty much every single day, our customer support team gets questions like “which recorded course has so-and-so pattern?” I get asked this all the time on webinars and group calls, too. I’ll say here, what I say there: Memorizing patterns and reciting them to women will rarely, in and of itself, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, One of my students told me he had to take economic courses three times before he finally got a f@@king clue about those curves. The first two courses, the instructor spent most of their time drawing supply and demand curves on a chalkboard.  Five minutes after handing in the final exam, […]