Wed, Oct 23, 2024
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, More than once, I’ve heard from men who were scared to use my language patterns with women. Por que, you say? Well, there are a number of reasons: fear of “getting caught” worry about her laughing so hard her drink comes out her nose and the mood is ruined concern she […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I’m not about endless gabbing on the phone – or drawn-out textual relations – with women. I’m for getting her in person, in front of me. That said, many of my students find it helpful, when building their skills with language and patterns, practicing on the phone so they can refer […]
Dear Seeker of Success, To truly grasp, harness, and master the mighty power that comes with getting all the women your heart desires, you must gain a firm hold on not only the patterns and techniques, but the manner in which these are created. Many students follow the patterns and phrases I teach and are […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Yesterday, we explored how a student used a variation of “anti-flake” patterning to persuade a woman to respond to his e-mails after she had stopped doing so. If you missed it, here it is again: Dear NNNNNNN, I had not heard from you for quite a while so I just wanted […]