Fri, Oct 04, 2024
No Arms, No Legs, And He Gets Laid! Speed Seduction® Student Tells His Success Story!
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In this video, seminar attendee Kyle, born without arms and legs, explains how Speed Seduction® gave him the equanimity he needed to master his girl-getting game: [HTML1] Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Kyle also shows us how using my teaching blasted him past surface-level thinking that holds men back claiming their […]
51 Year Old Man Bangs Over 90 Chicks Using Speed Seduction®!
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Mastering the skills means you can always do better.  Just click the Play button and listen to Tom, one of my great students for over 12 years who has studied my courses and attended multiple seminars, explain in his own words: [HTML1] Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Part of what attracted […]
"She Was Visibly Hot, And Not So Bothered!"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As the latest building block in the “Wall Of Proof” I’ve mentioned to my Facebook followers that I’m building, containing REAL results that REAL students like you get when applying my teachings to claim ultimate success with the women you truly desire, please read the following: OK, so I tried just […]
"Relating To All People Is Really Quite Easy Now"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, When you make the decision, right now, that today is the last day of the way I used to be, you’ll see the impact it has not only on your girl-getting game, but on your life in general. Let’s hear from a student with whom I had a private coaching call […]