Tue, May 14, 2024
Dear Seeker of Success, Do you know the old story of archers? They’re walking in the forest and one archer shoots an arrow and gets pretty close to the bullseye. The other archer says, “Let me take you to this part of the forest where I practice.” They walk over to another part of the […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A student of mine had been hanging out a lot with a female friend of his. Older, looks younger, smart and gorgeous. Throughout their conversations, he worked in some Sarginess, such as the infamous Paris Hilton joke and some of the advanced patterns on her. Well, she caught him a few […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Something to think about when using pick-up lines and language patterns during your conversations with women. It’s great to know which of the twin brothers did what, understand intellectually the deeper meaning behind that Discovery Channel documentary, etc. But simply saying the “right” words will not automatically cause her panties to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I get a lot – and I mean a LOT of questions – from students asking one thing. Specifically, how can the language patterns I teach translate into Spanish, Swedish, Samoan, Swahili, Scottish, Serbian, Slovenian, Sanskrit, Shan, Sedang, or other languages beginning with S or the other 25 letters of the […]