Dear Seeker of Success,
One of the best pieces of advice I could give you is this: “Go Fuck Your ‘Self'”.

Actually, and even better piece of advice if you really want to set yourself free to discover your full potential is this:
Tear To Shreds The Notion
That There Is A “Thing” In You
Called A “Self”
You see, one of the deepest illusions humans have is the notion that we are a “self” that goes through our day, doing things and having things done to us.
But maybe that’s not true.
Maybe your “self” is really not a thing at all, but an activity that is constantly arising and disappearing, in moments of time too brief for ordinary consciousness to notice.
And maybe – just maybe – being able to see the activity you were labeling as the thing called “self” would….
Get “You” Unstuck And Enjoying
The Freedom To Arise As A New
Creation From Moment To Moment
As “You” Choose!
Imagine that: being able to experience your life as a living work of art, in sync with the flow and the activity of the world around you.
Developing this special “witness consciousness” is inside our Magick/Remote Influence course.
Go now to find out more.
Ok, that’s all for today.
Got to go meditate and fuck my “self” hard.
Magickally yours,
P.S. Did my language offend you?
Sit quietly and watch that sense of being offended arise and vanish, get stronger and diminish. Then notice the pause of peace when there is no activity at all.
P.P.S. Find out how to claim yours here.
P.P.P.S. Could it be that I’m subtly suggesting that seeing your “self” arising and disappearing would give you the ability to see that in others?
And that this way of viewing them would give you an tremendous tool for unstoppable influence over them?
Yes. Yes indeed.
All the more reason to go here right now.
Hey RJ,
great article!
And I have one question:
If it is true that there is no self, but just an constantly changing activity and if it is also true that one should observe it moment by moment, then how do you do this, while at the same being present with what is going on around you in the “outer world”?
How do you observe what is going on on the inside of your body (images, sounds, feels), while at the same time being able to talk to someone, i.e. “approaching” a woman?
For me it is rather an “either (…) or”, not an “and”.
This is what I do not get about this meditation teaching.