Dear Seeker of Success,
Let’s cut to the chase: just about every woman you’ll meet has been hurt before.

A bad relationship.
A bad breakup.
She was lied to, cheated on, heartbroken, by that jerk loser a$#hole.
And now, in one way or another, you feel you’re expected to pay the tab those other guys ran up.
News flash: not all breakups are the best thing ever.
How are you handling it?
My first guess:
You’re So Eager To Prove You’re “Safe” That You’ll Wind Up Boring The Crap Out Of Yourself And Her, Sooner Than Later
One of my rules is: don’t take a woman’s first response as being written in stone.
Everyone is a little scared on some level.
There was this one woman who was coming over to my place. I could tell she was a little bit reluctant.
Here’s what happened.
I said, “It sounds to me like you don’t feel comfortable coming to my house to first meet me. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you come to my condo building? You don’t have to come inside. We’ll just walk to the beach from my house. How’s that?”
She said, “That’s great. I’ll meet you there.”
Listen: just because she starts being a little nervous doesn’t mean you have to stop there.
One of the rules of leadership is: recognizing where the person is at, but you don’t let that call the shots.
You don’t let them continue to decide where it’s going to go after that.
But best to get it going first.
P.S. It was as if you knew what to say…that your words were not just words but golden keys that opened her from deep within, touching her on the deepest levels, releasing thoughts and feelings and desires she never even knew she could experience.
Ross. This is my biggest sticking point as far as women are concerned. Women get beat, cheated on, etc. and say “Oh Kevin. You’re so sweet.” Then they end up going with other guys. Do you have any products furthering what you’re saying here?
@Kevin – great stuff in Rapid and Total Success with Women and Secrets of Hyper-Response and Core Attraction.
Ok Ross. Thanks.
I’m more into audio than video but I appreciate you finding yourself replying to my comment. Thank you.
@Kevin both those courses have audio files that can be heard online or downloaded as MP3s.
Ok Ross. Thanks.