Sun, May 19, 2024
You Asked, And Here It Is...Magick!
Dear Speed Seduction® Master In Training, I’ve been getting mail and email from around the world from folks begging me to answer one question: “Ross, are you going to do a Magick seminar this year?” Once again, you, my fans, friends, followers, and students have spoken, and once again, I am answering you. Introducing (…..drumroll…..): […]
Build Your Radar For Screening
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Everyone has a “type” of some sort. Some guys prefer women who look or act a certain way; for some it helps if they have many interests in common; some find it sufficient just to screen out the loonies and the crazies. Does it help to make a list of the […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Once again, I reach into my lovely mail bag and pull out an e-mail I got from a student about… his attempt to e-mail an HB9 he met at a party. Some of the patterning was good, but it came off…just…BAD because the context was WAY OFF. > I met this […]
How Mixing "Love And Sex" Can Squash Your Suck-Sess
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Here are a few worn-out, wasted, and woe-begone cliches you’ve probably heard before. “Men and women must be in love before they have sex.” “Women will most likely have sex on the third date, but will not decide if they love him for another 6 months, because they believe […]