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Claim your limited-time 50% discount off all our fine recorded courses (both Seduction and Persuasion) right now by entering promo code
and clicking "Apply" on our secure checkout pages.
The "Main Course" Of Speed Seduction®
Speed Seduction® Rapid And Total Success With Women
Get All Of The Amazingly Wonderful, Smoking Hot Women You Could Ever Desire, No Matter What Your Looks, Age, Social/Economic Status Or Previous Experience
You have demanded a “structured” course – and now, I have delivered! In 30+ laser-focused modules, learn how to master your inner game, confidently approach any woman any time, show up attractive, claim your sexual aggression mastery, and more!

Our Brand-New Curriculum (Got Yours Yet?)
Speed Seduction® Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster (NEW!)
Become A Daytime Pick Up Master, Get Women Dripping With My Never-Before-Taught Seduction Language Patterns, And Have A "Crush It" Mindset For Wild Success In Every Area Of Your Life!
This is a compilation of all the teachings demanded by the elite "brain trust" of top students and includes new language patterns, how to induce endless orgasms, a 1-hour "Ross Plays With Girls" session, Hayley Quinn's teachings, and more.

The New Code Series
Speed Seduction® The New Code
Discover The Streamlined System That Helps You Become A Better Man And Attract High Quality Women You Can Truly Love, Enjoy And Respect!
The New Code is all about creating a deep, personal tranceformation so that your success with women becomes a living work of art – a totally new way of moving through your world that makes women long to have you in their world.

Speed Seduction® The New Code 2.0: Trance-Formations, Teachings And Tactics
Enjoy Profound Personal Trance-Formation (With Women And In All Areas Of Life) Using My Latest And Greatest Discoveries… As The Changes Flow Through You!
Experience massive change with more ease, using the revolutionary Speed Seduction® system COMBINED WITH my personal change method. Includes 3 new word-for-word language patterns, how to seduce women on dating sites, and how to succeed with older women.

Speed Seduction® The New Code: The Next Generation
Learn The Lazy Man's Way To Getting Laid, So Quickly And Easily, You'll Think "God Damn, That Ross Jeffries Is A Genius!"
Designed for newbies getting started as well as veterans keeping skills sharp, this places the spotlight on your first few minutes with a woman, capturing her attention and interest - and how to get there. Claim your access now and see an opportunity to get Ross' language pattern collection, too!

The Raw, Legendary "Greatest Hits"
Secrets of Hyper-Response and Core Attraction
Discover How To Make The Hottest Women Hyper-Responsive To Your Needs, Suggestions And Desires... (And Keep Them There As Long As You Want Them)
In an unfair world, sometimes you have to dig deep and take it to the street to win. This course, straight from my "street fighting" days, is the Seduction Dracula, raw and real. When you say YES to this, you'll also see how to claim the legendary "Frame Control and Sexual Themes" course.

The World-Famous Deluxe Home Study Course
Do You Want Easy, Life-Long Success With Women? Claim The Legendary Teachings Praised By Playboy Magazine And Rolling Stone!
More than any other course I have ever released, this course contains the word-for-word language patterns and the vocal intonations that cause them to work like crazy. My brand-new “Sexy Time Chat” and “Boyfriend Destroyer” collections are included here also.

The Classic Speed Seduction® “Power Pack”
Discover The “Triple Threat”, No-Fear, Meet ‘Em Anytime, Steam ‘Em Up In Minutes, Power Learning Bundle
We’ve taken three of our greatest hits – Fear to Charisma, Gold Walk-Ups, and Secrets of Irresistible Arousal, and packed them together as your Speed Seduction® “adrenaline shot” to fast pick-up success! Loaded with some of the greatest-ever “Ross Plays With Girls” demos…

The Speed Seduction® Old-School Secret Stash Collection
Get Ross At His Most Raw And Angriest And Return To The Pioneering Days Of Speed Seduction® With The Original “No Holds Barred” Speed Seduction® Home Study Courses
The original Home Study Course (from 1993) as well as the Skills Builder language pattern set, Secrets of Bedding Bi-Sexual Women and Threesomes, my Legendary Collection of Stories, Metaphors, and One-On-Ones, the Legendary Unstoppable Confidence Course…all yours, right now!

Advanced Courses For Total Mastery
July 2014 “Total Immersion” London Seminar Footage
Get Ross' No-Holds-Barred Teaching From My Last-Ever, Live “3.0” 3-Day Seminar And See For Yourself Why It Must Trance-Form Your Life And Get You Laid!
Because this was the last Speed Seduction® seminar ever to be taught in the “3.0” 3-day format, Ross really went all-out! Chock-full of student trance-formations, “Ross Plays With Girls” demos, and modules taught by Hayley Quinn teaching you how to sexualize women right into your bed. And more!

Advanced Courses On Niche Topics
Magick, Meditation, and Remote Influence
Influence Others At A Distance, Discover and De-Program Limiting Beliefs, Engineer Coincidence, and Delve Deep Into The Power Of Your Super-Conscious Mind!
Tap deep into the power of non-local reality and your super-conscious mind, and master the 3 states of consciousness that allow you to engineer coincidences in your world, influence others at a distance, and create a future that reaches back to your present to recreate you as the kind of person who can achieve it!

The Complete Nail Your Inner Game System
Blast Past “Stuck Points” With Women And Rocket Your Way Up To Total Seduction Success And Mastery!
Take any and all confusion, frustration, and stuckness you’ve ever experienced with women, and immediately convert it to pure, immediately usable learning, so you bounce right back, and automatically do things right the next time!

Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys: RJ “Hands-On”!
Lay Your Hands On These 35 Hand-Picked, Undercover, “Ross Jeffries Uncensored” Video Clips, Trancing Out Girls and Trance-Forming Guys, The Real and The Raw!
“Trancing Out Girls, Trance-Forming Guys: Ross Jeffries Hands-On” is a “greatest hits” collection that pulls out key lessons you can watch and study over and over again. Think of it as an on-tap, 24/7/365 quick-refresher course that cuts right to the chase for you.

Holiday Healing For Body, Mind, And Soul
Get On The Pathway To Peace, Happiness That Is Not Conditional, And A Sense Of Connection To Others – Regardless Of How They Respond!
Through a series of recorded modules, each containing meditations and exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home, beat the “holiday blues” by overcoming the underlying pain, missing, and stress, and claiming your ability to create a deep sense of inner peace.

Persuasion Mastery™ Recorded Courses
MindFrame Persuasion Home Study Course
This Gets Your Prospect, Reader Or Audience Doing What You Want, And Enjoy A Fantastic Power To Irresistibly Influence Others!
Learn from World-Renowned Persuasion And Influence Master Ross Jeffries in the comfort of your own home! When you claim your instant, online access now, you also get my “top secret” Mindframe Persuasion copywriting book loaded with language patterns and techniques.

Invincible Influence Home Study Course
This Incredibly Fun, Massively Powerful Training Gets You Astounding Results: Live, In Print, From The Stage, Or Face To Face!
Discover this structured, step-by-step, “paint by the numbers” system to get your prospects to fork over the cash, sign the contract, make the deal, or just about any other juicy result you can easily and powerfully imagine… and make them think it’s their idea!

A Few Important Notes About Speed Seduction® Recorded Products
*** ALL products are accessible through our password-protected members’ area. As soon as you place an order, you will be directed to a page to create your username and password, or upgrade your access if you already have a username and password.
If you have any challenges getting logged in, we’re here to help. On our end, a human being reviews every single order to make sure it goes through properly and all accesses are set up.
*** We are real people who want to help you. If you have ANY questions at all, or need help placing your order, e-mail or call (323) 252-1531 (please leave a message with your e-mail address and phone number so we can get back to you if we miss your call.)
I look forward to serving you!
Peace… RJ

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