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    Me September 15, 2011, 11:24 am

    Ross, you’re a genius.

    I think it always works, this game, is because:

    1. It’s intriguing. “What does he mean? Folder, thrower or tosser?”
    2. It’s non-threatening and sound kind of fun.
    3. It’s “normal”, as in, it’s inside most people’s comfort zone. People who get uncomfortable about this are possibly people you want to screen out.

    And the deeper meaning is:

    1. Fun. Being playful and not serious.
    2. Challenging. You can take their answer and turn it into a challenge. “A tosser? Damn, I’m a thrower and they don’t get along.”. If she’s into it (playful vibe, good opener, nice interaction) she will want to prove to you that she is good for you. She has to overcome that challenge to get to you. Girls love that.
    3. It puts you in a position of dominance.
    4. It’s all happening in a good energy, great fun. Good test too, to see if she’s any fun.
    5. It cleverly places you in a position of dominance; asking the question, posing the challenge and having her be in the position of having to rise to the challenge. Is a great test too. Can she? Is she fun in her responses? Or do you walk away?

    Btw, Ross. Time has done you good. You even look better with grey hair. No offense, but in moving from this vid to current times, you moved from kind of ugly to decent looking.

    Pretty soon you’re not going to have the excuse of being an ugly geek anymore. 🙂

    Keep up the good stuff dude. And what is SS 4.0 going to be?

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      Ross Jeffries September 19, 2011, 11:40 am

      @Me Exactly correct in your analysis. And as for my looks: thanks man. I think I look better too. My ex-gf, the smoking hot swedish Pernilla says I am “much hotter” than when we dated. Hurrah for me!

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    Mat Wilson September 15, 2011, 3:15 pm

    I used to think it was sooo stupid, “roller, folder, or tosser/thrower” and the snack compatible quiz. And it is; it sounds gay and retarded as f#ck. BUT; I started using it about a month ago because RJ keeps emphasizing it especially so in his live vault collection. The purpose of it is: To get them talking about indulging and fantasy with you. So, I will often almost always go into BJ pattern or talk about warm radiating light on the beach and get descriptive, etc.. They love it. And PLUS: It tells me how much of an imagination they have or if they can focus or are retarded (provided I know they are not in a hurry or worrying about something in their private life). Sometimes I’ll say words like “surrender” or “just escape” and like just the other night I said that and the girls eyes grew REAAAAL big and she ejaculated, “YES!! Exactly!” and we chatted for a whole hour (she couldn’t stop talking!) in the parking lot and it was pitch black at night.

    BTW: RJ, I don’t think you know Chinese.. Do you have any idea what your shirt says in that clip?? xD

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      Ross Jeffries September 19, 2011, 11:39 am

      @Matt It says, “Go fuck yourself”. Ha ha

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    Ektor September 16, 2011, 9:42 am

    ahahahaha i LOVE THE LAST SENTENCE!! “I truly feel sorry for anyone who is competing against you for hot women if you know this stuff and THEY don’t. It really is unfair…” ahahahahahahaah Really clever!!! 😀

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    Jo September 16, 2011, 4:48 pm

    Dear Ross,
    Why the hell are you giving this away for free? hahahaha

    Anyways, i have something to report to you. Yesterday, i made progress in SS beyond, far beyond my hopes. All of a sudden.

    I did your fear into charisma, then anchored positive feelings and fired anchors when i relived bad or limiting images. (many of them)I felt a little different and began to taste something really good and new (the anchoring worked well for me, the exercise in your “how to get women you desire into bed”

    I looked up online con-artists and i found that an author whose book i used to believe. was a con artist (Kevin Trudeau) which shocked me and had me SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH. What is believable and true and what useless information to discard.

    The real killer i did was read a book on body language by Allan pease (and his wife, i hope i spelled their names right i owe them the respect)

    Body language is supposedly intuitive, but i am an immigrant and used to be somewhat of a social recluse. Once i learned all the different body language expressions and their meaning, i was (and still am) able to correct my posture and vibe by removing useless or conflicting body language expressions and consciously using positive and or congruent expressions. Its like now i can listen to the language my body speaks and be truthful since i know what each motion means. This also means i can practically read peoples minds, NOT FOR CONTENT but rather FOR THE PROCESS.
    This makes complementing people on their ‘energy’ and noticing and finding out what to say much easier, besides it takes the attention of the whole idea of SS and makes the patterns more natural and flowing since your focus is outside and on your (and her) behavior (within a ‘wow body language is so cool its like im speaking to a different person one with words the other with my body’ frame of mind)

    The real beauty is how fast and how significant my results are. I am not sure if its the missing piece. To me it is. I was the guy who learned and never applied but after i dealt with my beliefs and stopped running and making excuses for my desires (as you suggested) the thing i needed to learn the most was how to speak the right message with my body and what to look for in others bodies. ALL my confusion was because my mouth said the right thing INCONGRUOUSLY with my body language.

    I speak very well with my mouth, however, my body needs the same lessons. This was my challenge, i surpassed it. I am reporting it to you because i KNOW you understand my position and right now if it is something good, im challenging you to make a good use for it. I respect you, your work and your entire intention with all that you do, this is how i feel i repay you. I know if it helped me, it will help other people.

    I simply cannot go back to my useless way of thinking, its embarrassing to imagine, all this 2 days ago and now something new.

    After correcting it, i talked with a girl for 10 minutes and when i was about to leave, she offered me her phone number and asked me to call her sometime.

    from complete 0 to this in one single day (btw i stayed up all night to read your book and allan’s book in one go, my body was hungry and i had to feed it)

    Lastly, i dont even care anymore about the girls, what i love so far is how much i love my life, enjoy what i stand for and who i am all the time, every time. Without any of the nervousness or anxiety that uncertainty used to give me. To you i credit this, as without you (and my best friend for support) i would be a fish on the dry sand in a summer heat wave.

    This is ridiculously long for a message. Read and enjoy, i wish you could see me right now. 😀

    Have a wonderful time taking over the world,

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      Ross Jeffries September 19, 2011, 11:38 am

      @Jo You are so right. To me it’s not about “body language” so much as it is about being comfortable and grounded in your body and also having an outward focus of attention(which, in fact, is made possible by having the grounded, body comfort).

      This is actually all part of the new course I’m working on: Showing Up Attractive And The Sexual Forward Male

      Please email me privately as I’d like to interview you: ross@seduction.com subject: Jo from the blog


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    Ralph Molina September 18, 2011, 9:44 am

    Your Teachings are awsome Mr. Ross!

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    zarathud September 18, 2011, 1:55 pm

    Message to the webmaster:
    Google Chrome just shows a link to “get the flash player” but when I click it, it says flash player is build in and I have to enable it and when I follow those instructions, it is already enabled, but I still can’t play the video. I am however able to play videos from the vault.

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    zarathud September 19, 2011, 4:20 am

    Now it plays! Even though I have the 3.0 course on DVD, I really like these little clips to recall it on a regular basis and point out area that I can still improve on.

    Roller, folder or tosser IS Gold! I’ve been making great remedial strides for the last year and a half, but I have used RFT a few times and it usually gets a good response.

    The one time it got a neutral response was after my own great opener when a super hot young lady sat down one seat away from me in a lunch place with seating in front of the window. I said, motioning to the seat between us, “People are going to think we’re on a date but we just had a fight or something.”

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    zarathud September 19, 2011, 4:22 am

    It took her a moment to process, but got a tittering giggle.

  • […] and then quickly move her into a fantasy scenario, with me inserted right into the fantasy … Continue reading → [Source: Ross Jeffries Uncensored] Tags: clip, Generating, non sequitur, ross jeffries, speed […]

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