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    PASSION8MAN November 9, 2009, 3:33 pm

    Thanks Ross

    using your patterns beliefs and mindsets for the past almost 5 years now
    have built in a brand new autopilot for me that is just there for me when
    and as I need it

    I don”t let things get me down when a woman has a crappy response to me

    Its not me its her and the crap she”s going thru
    if I said the same thing to her the next day it
    could work perfectly

    because she”s in a better state and things could take off from there

    Ive been watching your psychic influence tapes again
    and having quite a few “Eureka” moments
    or “Ah Ha” moments

    I really enjoyed this video release Ross


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    caron_400 November 9, 2009, 3:34 pm

    Awesome Video, this really confirms and helps deepen what I've learn from the http://www.seduction4free.com website. The transition phrases (quotes) and the seduction questions have gotten me GREAT RESULTS already, and I've just started using the stuff. I got a 19yo hottie to send me pics of her in a corset 😀 WHAT ???? calm down, she legal in canada and that's where I'm from. Imagine seeing beautiful 32DD boobs pop up in your email, that's what I got 😀 Anyway, keep posting your videos, they are awesome and full of valuable content that can be used immediately for great results, I can't wait to see how much fun I can have with this material, THANKS ROSS !
    -A. From Canada (quebec)

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    linnylin November 9, 2009, 4:33 pm

    awesome stuff! I used that starter kit to already pick up a babe.

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    Abhijeet November 9, 2009, 4:50 pm

    Enjoyed the video. THanks RJ>

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    shootersuarez November 9, 2009, 4:50 pm

    ross once again you come through with techniques and tips for the hopeless.lol hopeless we no longer are with you and your lessons.

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    ofaurax November 9, 2009, 5:01 pm

    Something I noticed is that transition can also serve as good response to a “girl escape”.
    For example, when a girl hear a song she likes, or when a friend call her, you can try something like “I want to tell I noticed something about you… Oh ok, go on for your friend, you can go back later…”
    As the transition is open, the girl is likely to go back to have the rest of the conversation.

    This can also be used for fractionation.
    When you fractionnate, it is easy to let some time between your patterns, and go back with a “Also, I heard something you should be interested by….”.

    Transition have several purposes: they link patterns, they are teasers and they can be used for a fresh start on another idea.

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    xchuck November 9, 2009, 5:58 pm

    Hi Ross!
    Here comes my comment about your videos and others stuff:
    HELP!!! I am a 31years old guy who just lived in “real-hate-shun-ships” – eca!
    I have no RJ's material and I survive just with your newsletter. I feel like I'm out of SS group.
    And I have no doubt that this NLP really works.
    thanks for your help.

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    Isabella November 9, 2009, 6:09 pm

    Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Hi Ross.

    I really love your teachings!!! And I have to admit that I would be entirely extradited to you in your presence.
    but (un)fortunately the ocean separates us. ;-))
    It's so positively confusing to know that its just system with rules on the one side and on the other it's such great indulgence to be with someone who speaks to you in what way you teach. Maybe cause through it he understands how we think and yeahh, you certainly know what I mean better than I do.
    My big problem is my “borefriend”, admittedly he is very handsome, good looking guy with great body but the things which come out of his mouth are a big minus for him. He is absolutely out of sensitivity. I often think about to leave him but I'm not sure cause at the same time I'm absolutely persuaded that his behavior is nothing that can't be changed!!! He just needs the right teacher. 🙂
    So, please please please Ross, it would be great to get one of this free sets, it would save our relationship.

    Much love to you,
    your Isabella. :-* Ƹ̴Ӂ̴ƷƸ̴Ӂ̴ƷƸ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ

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    Dominant November 9, 2009, 6:46 pm

    Hey Ross, I keep a journal and write down my thoughts often. I came up with a statement yesterday I am proud of. Actions without attitude is acting. Often times students try to do the patterns and it feels weird for them because they don't have the right attitudes down. If you have the right attitudes, your behaviors and actions will flow out naturally. As was stated in one of your seminar tapes “He wasn't doing something, he was being someone.” We must truly become men who embrace women with compassion and understanding. You can't fake this stuff. Get the attitudes down and you won't have to act all you will have to be is yourself.

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    Ross Jeffries November 9, 2009, 6:58 pm

    Attitude and action aligned is an example of the magickal definition of will: alignment of self and desire.


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    Ross Jeffries November 9, 2009, 6:59 pm

    Some guys need more help than even I can give. Have you ever thought of having a wild affair with the world's greatest seduction teacher? I'll be in Europe in 2010. If you are on Facebook, send a friends request to Ross Jeffries.

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    Ross Jeffries November 9, 2009, 7:00 pm

    Dude, why don't you join my coaching program? There is now a year's worth of video and audio archives, Plus you can get live coaching from me 3 times a month. Try the first month for a dollar:



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    Ross Jeffries November 9, 2009, 7:01 pm

    Correct. Well stated. You are a front runner.


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    Ross Jeffries November 9, 2009, 7:02 pm

    Share those pics! Send them to me: rj@seduction.com


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    gawdone November 9, 2009, 7:15 pm

    I truly want to thank you Ross. This is not just a magnanimous tool that allows one to assist the women of their desires, into realms of gushing, pulsating passion.No, please, don't be that ignorant. THIS IS ACTUALLY A SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY. At one point, if you are a S.S. student, you must delve into the dimension of Nailing Your Inner Game. That's where the magic REALLY happens, and so within so without. I mean, implanting beliefs, reviewing circumstances with ABSOLUTE clarity AND detachment,etc. etc. These are phenomonal tools that can immeasurably enahance ANNNNNNY area of your life and development, not just your Poonany Pirating. AND THAT IS WHY IM TRULY OFFERING MY GRATTITUDE AND THANX. Me, I am a very sexy, PUerto Rican stallion, woman magnet. I always seemed to attract women to me, however I was never good at just walking up to a broad and proceeding to get it poppin. I am in a committed relationship with a gorgeous, LOYAL, woman, and because I actually do care for her, THAT IS THE ONLY REASON I AM NOT OUT ABUSING MY POWER!! Hey, just 'cause your a Black Belt, it doesn't mean you go out beatin' everybody you see up, right? Lve Ya Maaaan!!

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    zzz573 November 9, 2009, 7:25 pm

    These vids are very useful when you discide to ,give it here a go. And i find that after abosorbing all these information ,again and again , people can just do it ,subconsiously give it a go. I have been able to use these nlp and ss techniques no not only get but also over come my anxiety to approach and puersuate my friends to beleive in hypnosis ,even those their were sceptical of it at first.
    I find that when you find yourself thinking about how effective these insights, techniques, metaphor anf weazel phrases work, it is really special and different from any others out there.
    i really wish to learn more and grow and bring more people into this amazing world of ss
    and by the way who is this debby that Ross you always use in your examples?

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    ElMondo November 9, 2009, 8:30 pm

    I've looked at some of the materials from the more visible seduction guys. Most of them are negative toward women. I'd much rather be with someone with whom I can enjoy a conversation, and see as a person who is to be treasured rather than an object to be put down. I've seen some abusive men and how they can use those techniques to trap women and keep them under their control. Yeah, they may get some sex, but those kinds of actions can hurt women for a long time, Even more important that getting tons of women is being able to look myself in the mirror every day and knowing that when I interact with someone, they walk away better for the experience. That is certainly something that won't happen with those so called experts' techniques.

    When I came across your materials, Ross, it was like a breath of fresh air. The first intros, such as walking up and just telling someone they are stunning and you'd like to get to know them, throught to the patterns that lead their imagination to wonderful places that they can reflect on later and enjoy are all designed to make the woman feel good about herself and about you. Wow. What a difference.

    As I've started using what I've learned from you, Ross, the women feel good about themselves. About a week ago, I started using some variations on patterns with a woman… just describing some good sensations. She actually stopped and asked me if I was doing some kind of subliminal talk that I had been taught somewhere. I told her that I've learned some things along the way, and if it bothers her, I'll stop. She told me in no uncertain terms to NOT stop, and to just keep talking to her like I had been. Needless to say, as the metaphors got a little more obvious, she became a lot more turned on.

    You are right, you don't have to worry about being caught.. because even when they see what you are doing, they want even more. In many ways, you are bringing those romance novels to life for them, and that is someone that usually no one else has ever done. When I imagine myself a year from now, looking back on all I've gotten from just your free materials, and a couple things a friend gave me, I'll see that coming across Ross Jeffries was the turning point which lead me to a new and wonderful life filled with the kind of women that, up to this point, I never thought I would ever figure out how to entice.

    Thank you!

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    Steve (Treasure) November 9, 2009, 11:16 pm

    Hi Ross,

    I don't know if this letter will win the brass ring — the complete, free set of the “Best of RJ Volume 1” — but I'll sure give it my best try.

    I recently turned 56, and I'm sure you're familiar with the many things a man of my age has to go through with regard to women, now that you have reached the magic 5-0 (if I'm not mistaken). The fact that you have a 20-year-old girlfriend is proof enough that you know what you're doing.

    I've now had 4 years in the “the game,” and of course was introduced to you through that famous book by our friend Mr. N. Stressed. Early in reading that book, way back in the Fall of 2005, yours was the first mailing list I signed up for. But I got sidetracked by our other good friend Mr. Misery, and my primary education has been in his method.

    Fast forward to about a year ago, and I started “rediscovering” your material. I should point out that, during my version 1.0 phase, when I first found you, I found the material too complex to understand. I thought the other systems might be easier.

    In retrospect, I believe I wasted a lot of time unnecessarily. I'm not saying I didn't learn anything by that earlier journey, but I probably suffered the pain of not getting what I wanted in ways that didn't have to be.

    Now back to the rediscovery of Mr. RJ (or should that be Dr.?:): I find your stuff to be refreshingly profound, and very meaningful at a psychological level. I've bought some of your DVDs (not yet the Home Study Course, but the onesies and twosies — Gold Walkup, Fear into Charisma, Secrets of Advanced, Irresistible Arousal, and the Unstoppable Confidence audios), and as I've had time to watch/listen to them, I find them to be very powerful. I also downloaded some of the earlier free material, and found that to be great as well.

    My problem is in wrapping my mind around a lot of this stuff and trying to “put it all together.” Now ultimately, I'll need to plunk down the coin and buy the full Speed Seduction course. But in the interim, I thought that “The Best of Ross Jeffries Volume 1” would corral all of this information into one fundamental source to really kick off my education in SS and get me started on a bigger adventure in the discipline.

    You see, what I like about what you do is that it capitalizes and leverages on the powers of the mind and soul, rather than verbal magic tricks and mere gimmicks of body language, voice tone, routines, and comedy performances that the other systems seem to require. That may be fine for younger guys, who maybe just need a little nudge to get over the edge and get laid. But as men get older, something deeper is required. And I think you provide that. And truly, the younger guys are better served by getting deeper into what the mind of a woman requires. I'll be honest and say I would like to see less of an emphasis on the more explicit marketing copy, but I also understand that part of running a business is staying viable; plus, I was in my twenties once, and that's all *I* thought about!

    And I think about it now too. But of course I also want something more.

    I've watched your first two teaser videos, and they're both great, and I especially like what you've done in the first one, particularly how you reframe the boyfriend objection to make it look like she's trying to prove something to you. Brilliant stuff!

    The economy's tight and we're all struggling, and maybe a young, upcoming guy who doesn't make a lot of money deserves this set more than I do. I could probably afford it if I stretched. But that wouldn't be for some months. On the other hand, time is running out for me — and I say that not to be dramatic but to be practical. In a few more years I'll be 60, and that's not to say that life with women is over, far from it; but as you know, your options begin to dwindle. So if I'm going to learn the Ross Jeffries Method for getting everything you want with women, I've got to act fast. And I believe your “starter set” will put just the right envelope around the whole thing so I can get a grasp of the general principles and get cracking. I'd like to have a couple of notches on my belt with 20-something chicks before I hit the old age home!!

    Anyway, all kidding aside, I really enjoy your stuff and your take on all this, and it's just too bad it's not as accessible to people as it should be — it's just not easy to grasp (and maybe that's a good thing) — because I know it's far better than all of the other systems put together. And I'm not just saying that to win the free freaking product. If a guy is genuine and honest and ethical, he can *still* use your methods and not compromise these principles in any way.

    I've written enough, Ross. As I get to understand your theories and practice better, perhaps I'll be able to write some more.

    I hope to learn more about what you have to teach, in whatever form that will take shape.

    Thanks and look forward to continuing this journey. The free value you give is great, even to this point.

    Best wishes,

    -Steve (Treasure)

    PS – I've been sitting here transcribing most of what's on your slides from that first teaser video, so winning the set will also help save me from carpal tunnel syndrome. 🙂

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    fuckingjerk November 10, 2009, 1:27 am

    “Attitude and action aligned is an example of the magickal definition of will: alignment of self and desire.


    I thought there was no such thing as a “self”…

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    Rodn November 10, 2009, 1:30 am

    Hi Ross,
    Great vids. I'm new to your site but I really like what I see, it looks SO much better than the other methods I've seen and read about. Your ideas and models are truly genius.

    I really found the rules/postulates/cognitions part of the first vid, it gave me a new view on approaching woman, even though I already thought I new those things!
    This video was more like a recap of some of your stuff, but it got me scribing notes just to make sure I wont forget. It really is a big tease!


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    Isabella November 10, 2009, 4:13 am

    Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ In fact, a person learn through his whole life, every day. And today I learned that even someones own pride or self-esteem for his abilities and wonderful talents can be disowned/betrayed by his egoism. 🙂 thanks for this lesson Ross ;-))

    I admire that you do and thanks for your offer, but no, I'm looking for sincere long-term relationship.

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    xchuck November 10, 2009, 4:35 am

    I appreciate your reply, thanks.
    I certainly would make this, but I am in Brazil and travel to meet you is very difficult for me.
    Getting your coach must be fun and productive =). I think you realy like to teach guys how to understand a woman needs and fill her gaps.
    I'm saving money to buy your material, practice and understand how your patterns works and I realy want to change my ways with woman.
    A hug from a brazillian dude.

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    Simbat November 10, 2009, 11:00 am

    Hi Ross,

    Great stuff you are sharing with us.The first time I used a pattern on a girl, I got a reply from her saying something like…”OMG, you are so right, you are like a voice in my head”. Hearing that made me fell absolutely flabbergasted, I mean, I couldn't believe, that at last this stuff was what women really love and enjoy hearing. Heck, even the “PUA's” out there (M&M's crew) refer to your material Ross when it comes to actually seducing the woman, after the walk-up, including teaching others how to speak with pauses !!!!!!!

    After a period of time of memorizing caned patterns I began creating my owns . But after doing some of RJ's rituals for quieting the mind I soon managed to create even better patterns on the spot.

    I sometimes believe, and please correct me if I am wrong, that the evolution of SS to what it is today is somehow related to the word -equanimity –
    I just can't wait to see how SS would look in the next 5 years 🙂

    PS: I remember having a blast one time with the “Who's Had Some” game at a party… After 15 min of playing the game with a girl, I got back to my friends, but just when I was about to leave, 3 hours later, the girl came to me and asked me “How long do you think has it been since I last had some ? ” Not in a million years would I have expected such an answer from her. In the end, we ended up leaving the party together…

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    Ross Jeffries November 10, 2009, 11:51 am

    Goodness, you are a humorless and pompous thing, aren't you? Just responding to your own over the top flirting, babe.

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    Ross Jeffries November 10, 2009, 11:52 am

    Ha ha. There is NO “Debby”. Just my generic, stand-in name for everywoman.

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    caron_400 November 10, 2009, 1:07 pm

    I'm not comfortable having thoses pics float around on the internet. If (read when) I bang her, I'll be happy to send you a pic of us, and that bonus picture. Until then, I don't want to risk screwing things up.

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    matwilson November 10, 2009, 5:27 pm

    I love your ASCII (actually, they're probably Unicode) butterflies! I'm stealing them if you don't mind! 😉


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    69 November 10, 2009, 10:44 pm

    Hey Ross,

    I know that as each new comment is posted YOU ARE ENJOYING THE POWER CONTINUE TO GROW as you are given more people to choose from to GIVE ONE OF THE PRIZES, to me that is something we can both AGREE UPON.

    But as you DECIDE RIGHT NOW THAT ONE OF THE WINNERS could be any that you are reading, right now my understanding is that I'M THE LUCKY ONE whether I win or not because I like watching extremely high quality free videos on speed seduction.

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    paulgh November 11, 2009, 4:02 am

    You know Ross, I don't know if you're really honest and generous enough to give away free material… but if you are, and you find yourself thinking that this comment is one you'll select for the free give-away, I'd be very open to the new learning… and years from now… you can imagine me looking back on it with full knowledge of all the ways it has helped.

    The video above is a great summary, so I'd love to leave a great comment about it… but… its not nearly as good as the full Gold Walk Up DVD because that teaches the Twin Brothers and Snack Compatability that everyone needs to know…. which people reading this who don't have it should go and buy now.

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    Deiungo November 11, 2009, 1:41 pm

    Hey Ross! You are amazing at what you do, but what about people who loves animals? I was just wondering if you will create “Speed Seduction Course: bestiality” ?

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    John November 11, 2009, 6:15 pm

    I noticed something really interesting about you, Ross. Now I don't know if you are charismatic or charming enough to want to give away your material free to someone like me, who is a mere student of your game. By all means if you can think of somebody you'd rather give it to, I can understand, but I'd hope you'd have the intuition to consider me first.

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    gatorbloodline November 11, 2009, 7:21 pm

    aaight aaight so i see whut this can do, imma definetly use some of this here in the next couple of days, i need to, my wife just left me and a former lover is iffy, so yea, imma try on some diferent women, i will conquer i wont let fear interfere thanks mr ross

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    joser November 11, 2009, 9:52 pm

    Peanut butter sandwiches, ha. Where I've read that one, mmmh.
    Yes is from a best seller book… called… (hint: it's not a
    romance novel).
    Well, never mind.

    What if a woman knows that stuff? Then the worst can happen?

    The good about those challenges to offer her, is that she has to
    think about them, and if she is investing in the interaction, then
    this could create rapport. Well done Ross.

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    GrizzleR November 28, 2009, 6:11 pm

    I totally agree with you Isabella, a pearson really do learn though her whole life.
    I think it's great when you find someone who thinks the same way, it makes you feel understood in a special way, doesn't it?

    And isn't it interesting when you do learn, how your mind expands in new directions.
    I mean I read this article once, and I think I've talked about it before, it was about series and how
    you pick out and give your attention to those special ones that stick out from the rest. It also talks about how often times others tells us about a series and how much they like it and how much you should like it.

    These admittedly good series are entertainment that you might stick with for a while untill you realize it doesn't have wuite what you were looking for so you change
    it out and try another, perhaps flip around a little, untill you find this one thing on your screen that just totally captivates you in this indulding story and leaves you with that urging sensation of wanting more. Now, between me and you that's the kind of experience is where one can allow oneself to become a little sensitive in such a way that you can really open up, relax, take part of and enjoy this wonderful thing that is happening right in front of you.

    And what's perhaps even more interesting is how, when you've found this thing that really speaks to you, almost just can't resist it. The more you try, the more you feel that urging sensation of wanting more, building up inside you, up to
    the point where you find yourself just acting on it. Now, in my opinion, that's when you know you've found something that truely the right one for you.

    Anyway, how does that feel to you? ;D


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    bookescorts December 15, 2009, 12:13 am

    Love Reading Your Blog
    Thanks fore shareing helpfull information


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