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    Justin March 2, 2008, 2:48 pm

    Wow Ross, it is so nice to know that there are real-deal prgrams like yours dedicated to helping guys improve not only their dating, but their quality of life in general.

    The inner and outer game techniques you teach will also help you achieve success in other areas, such as your job, relationships, etc. Its really a shame that many guys don’t even bother to improve this area of their lives.

    But hey, that means more for the guys who actually took the time to get this area handled :). Thanks again for all you do.


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    Tim March 2, 2008, 7:33 pm

    I am new to the seduction community and have read a lot of garbage out there that doesn’t do anything. Before learning Ross’s material I was just wandering around in the wilderness like a blind man. I am still in the leaning phase but despite my age, 50, and my size, fat man, I am confident that I will soon be nailing more than my share of young hotties.I am just now starting to play with the material and it is fun to watch the reactions of women as they process patterns. I don’t beleive in settling, you shouldn’t either.

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    tolan2 March 2, 2008, 8:33 pm

    Amazing. Ross, how do you hit the nail on the head every time? I am finding myself slipping into a similar pattern. Thanks for making me think, and hopefully act!

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    Eugene March 3, 2008, 11:03 am

    I’m 21 iv bot the basic home course when I was in high school thinking it was a joke casue i was tired of being a AFC I’v been using the matrial since then I have told a few of my friends … this stuff is just GREAT… and since then I’v been winning what I once thought were downhill battles from the jerks and buff boods out there. This stuff has really change my life. Trying and Having fun …Ross you and your stuff is the products of leagends.. You have granted me my wish of fighting chance and more.

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    Paul Heintz March 3, 2008, 11:59 am

    Ross, Where did you find that pic and where can more be found? She is awesome! Thanks!

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    Ross Jeffries March 3, 2008, 3:48 pm


    Thanks for your comment; I like the idea of helping people to win in areas of life where they USED to get their asses kicked.

    You see, the popular media has it wrong about me, but they really have it wrong about my students.

    They falsely think most of my students are guys who have never had a date in their lives.

    While it is true I can and do help guys like that(and feel privileged to do so, as **I** use to be that way), most of my students are very smart guys who struggle just to do “ok” with women.

    They feel outgunned, outnumbered, and fighting against great odds.

    They don’t want anything handed to them; they are willing to risk and work and fight. They just the tools to make it an even-match, a fair-fight.

    And that’s what I do; even the playing field and make it a fair match.

    Thanks for your kind words.


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    Ross Jeffries March 3, 2008, 3:50 pm


    You are right to refuse to settle.

    As I like to say, the only things that settle are dust and lawsuits.

    Stand on your feet, hold to your dreams, and have crazy joy with the best and finest women you can imagine.

    I can show you how…


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    Ross Jeffries March 3, 2008, 3:51 pm


    Just google search for “Ellen Muth”. She is quite the pouty little tart, isn’t she?

    Loved her on “Dead Like Me”.


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    Nahuel March 7, 2008, 5:47 am

    delude and diminish, yes i have experienced both in the past. But i think there is another bad choice guys often do, and here it is: they surround themselves with the “shitty shield of the jerk” allowing themselves to feel an illusion of confidence, acting like selfish idiots whom share nothing with women, thinking all women are cunts. I feel compassion for all of them, but i have to say i enjoy to heckle those fuckers

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    RJfan March 10, 2008, 4:41 am

    I knew that top and body looked familiar! The pic is fake, it’s not Ellen Muth, just a very good Photochop.

    The girl is actually Alya, a European model from sites like Hegre, Met-Art etc. (Strong AFC huh)

    http://www.privi.net/foro/showthread.php?t=14415&page=1&pp=10 (Lots more pics)

    Now here I would be bone in an instant!

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    Paul March 13, 2008, 10:19 am

    Hi Ross!

    My name is Paul and I am an Australian guy living in Japan. I just recently came across you and your awesome matertial on youtube. I have been working on ending my own victimisation patterns and replacing them with new and enriching beleifs about what is possible. I absolutely was blown away with what you said on a you tube video on magic and influence. You mentioned that the way to curse someone is to make them feel like they are a victim. nYour comments on those videos should be taught to children so they can empower themselves. I am currently teaching children and adults here in Japan and am constantly looking for better ways to understand peoples patterns including my own. I realised that this is what I have been buying into with certain areas of my life, that of playing the victim. What courses do you recommend that would absolutley obliterate any and all “victim” role patterns and replace with better?

    Also I am booked to go to London to start my NLP practioner course with Paul Mckenna and Richard Bandler. I am wanting to help people in some way and I see that you have found and are clearly dedicated to your life mission of helping others. That is just awesome!! I commend you.
    I havent found that as yet. I would like to help possibly with helping others to get themselves to get fit and stay fit. Any recommendations in finding ones life mission/Purpose?

    Have an awesome day Ross, its great to learn from a living example.


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    Ross Jeffries March 15, 2008, 10:58 am


    Thanks for the kind words. Do please say hello to Paul and The Boss Hisself, Dr. Bandler.

    I first met Richard in 1988 I believe and he was kind to me then and always has been.

    Give him my best regards.

    Where is the event you are going to and when? I’ll be in London the last week in May to do a seminar.

    Yes, people believing they are victims is a great way to squeeze their own choice and power out of them.

    For sure, really awful things DO happen to us. I do NOT believe we “create our own reality”.

    Women who are raped do NOT create the rape or the rapist.

    Evil actions and evil people DO exist.

    But what we choose to dwell on and how we respond is something we can learn to control day by day, step by step, until we acquire the skill.

    Teaching top skills in a top quality fashion is my job.

    Come learn from me here:


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    Ross Jeffries March 19, 2008, 3:03 pm

    just trying something here

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    Paul March 20, 2008, 5:01 am

    Hi Ross!

    Thanks for the great reply.

    I have been listening to your interveiws and I have to say that I have been a quiet seeker for how the universe actually works for about 12 years and It seems I have been going down a similar path that you have already been longer on. You have obviously experimented with more and discovered what actually works. Is your material having elements of Remote Infuencing/ Influencing future events?

    If we dont create our reality are we then at least interacting on some parts of it or just participating in movement with other forces?

    Are you having any seminars in Japan?

    I have been saving all my cash to get to the NLP seminar but when I get back from London I want to get your home study course. As I said I want to do healthy lifestyle fitness with NLP as my passionate business so I was wondering if there was any chance of talking with you about how to get started and also in an interveiw your talented marketing director was with you on a telseminar so would it be possible to have a chat with her about the marketing side of things. ?

    Let me know if you are ever coming to Japan at any stage too for holidays . I live 40 mins by train from Tokyo station:)
    I will be finished April 29th in London and I would love to catch your seminar in London but I have to get back to my teaching job just for the moment. ( I want a more passionate/helping people/more free time to explore my path lifestyle so this what I am focusing on now)

    Your lifestyle and work has inspired me so I hope to follow a similar lifestyle but different topic.

    All the best Mate!


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    Seth March 21, 2008, 2:18 am

    One other problem (and it took me DAYS of thought to come up with this) is that “diminishing” one’s expectations creates an illusion of abundance, if not of quality. It may also reflect a continued outcome-dependence, and fosters more rigid categories of “all or nothing” thinking. Those are currently forms of thought I’m struggling to change. The irony is that it’s possible to cherish many good points of quote-unquote substandard women, but as Ross underlined in one study course, exploiting someone else’s vulnerability to get your rocks off is not really a good thing for the universe (or you.)

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    dogwash July 9, 2009, 7:40 pm

    No woman with any character or intelligence could possibly frequent the company of something like yourself.

    But keep imagining that if it helps keep the voices quiet.

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