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    Pádraig May 4, 2010, 11:14 am

    Why is SHE an authority? Some of the content was “ok,” but Ross….please…..!

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    SeductionSongs May 4, 2010, 11:24 am

    Where ARE these women who act like bitches I keep hearing about?
    New York? Cali?
    I meet 20 to 30 women a month, usually by using SS or some other form of PU, and have met a total of 2 women who acted like bitches. They were both in the same bar in a military town. It wasn’t even that bad….
    I was able to break down one’s shield just by doing the regular ss routines, and th other was nice enough, she just covertly insulted me by complimenting my shirt sarcastically.
    What am I doing right that I don’t experience this as often as others report? Or what am I doing wrong?

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      Jon August 20, 2015, 10:53 am

      you aren’t getting in a relationship long enough to see their true colors.

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        Ross Jeffries August 20, 2015, 11:26 am

        Or people rush into relationships, cohabitation, etc. without giving process its due.

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    K.K. May 4, 2010, 12:18 pm

    I’ve always had a stock answer of “You sound like you need some time to yourself. Take as much as you need.” And exit, stage right, reappear when she’s apologetic or at least sane.
    Now I’m thinking, “You sound like your emotions have got you by the short hairs. It’s not the way a grown woman acts.”
    Feh. I hate playing ‘lay-psychologist’…

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    SeductionSongs May 4, 2010, 12:37 pm

    “and have met a total of 2 women who acted like bitches”
    that should be “in the last year.”

    Now if you’re talking about within the context of a relationship, I get you. Mybe that’s why mine don’t last very long usually. At first I thought we were only talking about women who are bitchy when you first meet them.

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    Jim May 4, 2010, 12:43 pm

    That’s excellent. It’s about being a man rather than a grown up huffy wee boy. Leading with integrity. Having back bone and not being zoned out just because she’a a pretty wee thing…..Great stuff, she talks a lot of sense.

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    Paul May 4, 2010, 1:00 pm

    I think she is right on. Great material. Most helpful.

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    Paul May 4, 2010, 1:05 pm

    This woman answered 20 years of my questions of confusion in 6 min. and 8 secs.

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    ali May 4, 2010, 1:08 pm


    I will Marry this girl!

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    M May 4, 2010, 1:52 pm

    OMG! Where was she, giving big sister type advise, when I was a teenager? And just think how many feminist would also take issue with her “men are to guide” statement. Nice pick Ross.

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    Diño May 4, 2010, 2:36 pm

    Great post, as usual, some notes…
    1st – about pissed off women, that´s why it´s justifyable they have autopilot responses, they have to deal with a lot of bull$#1t, and it´s our responsability not to be the bull…
    2nd – about not taking personally and beeing inside ourselves: that´s sth a meditative practice may assist us, and understanding about energy, how it flows inside us and how to control where it goes. That´s the old assertive, controling your own state, to seldom take the 1st women´s response as written in stone, and whatever happens, you control where your energy goes.
    3rd – to allow the woman to notice what she is doing: it´s not about beeing reflexively agressive, but to take an attitude based only in the facts, not letting our internal conflicts affect our response, also reminds me about beeing compationate, but not submissive.
    4th – about walking away sometimes: since you take responsability for guidening her to better places, and you know and understand how to do that, you have the power, if she doesn´t deserve it, oh well she doesn´t, so do what you need to do and walk away. It´s also about beeing selective and screening woman.
    5th – about guidening and giving the direction: that´s what i think seduction is about, to take the energy offered by the woman, aknowledging it, transforming it on something different and better and finally giving it back. That´s what they expect from us.

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    Jeffrey May 4, 2010, 2:53 pm

    Most women have disdain for men, because they always go for the football players and seem to always wanna be around the popular people…that’s where it begins in high school. And it get’s carried out from there. Then they wonder why they get dumped…because you went out with him for the wrong reasons honey. You didn’t take the time to really get to know the guy first to find out he’s an idiot and an asshole.

    “I think of a man, and then I take away Reason and accountability” Melvin Udall

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    paul foster May 4, 2010, 3:32 pm

    Very interesting video Ross. Now let me get this straight. 1) Some women act pretty badly toward men. check,
    2) They have issues with relating to men, because of some unknown trauma that they have experienced. check,
    3) They don’t know the hows, whys or wherefores of this behavior and may be totally unaware of it at all. check,
    4) Male / female relationships are having a difficult period. check, 5) It’s my duty and responsibility to hear the woman out and do my best to “fix” the situation because that’s what human beings do for each other. Whoa! You lost me there Ross. Symptoms 1-3 are classic behaviors of the paranoid psychotic (or I wasted a lot of time and money at that university.) The only thing to do is RUN don’t walk to the nearest exit while making sure the woman in question is not following with a sharp or blunt object. Inflicting emotional injury the way some women do is wrong, wrong, wrong. No woman, regardless of how physically attractive, is worth the pain and anguish of pursuit. Some guys may see her as a “challenge”. Too bad for them! Ross, isn’t it your philosophy to dump the troublesome types and move on? So why the long winded video about taking responsibility, manning up and all those other catch phrases. Personally, I have my plate pretty full without taking on the task of repairing some woman’s damaged psyche. I think that is a task best left to healthcare professionals or at the very least exorcists. It would have been so much simpler to just say “don’t take it personal, dump the bitch and move on”. OR, was the purpose of your video to show how truly messed up women really are by taping a particularly ditsy one and putting her on display as ‘exhibit A’? In that case, I say “well done!”. Have a great day Ross and thanks. –Paul

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    sorue poscendo May 4, 2010, 3:34 pm

    She’s most definitely on point.. And if every man, or most of us, follows that simple principle of, leaving them better, than when we first met them.. We’d all have, a much more exciting, revealing and pleasurable time, with woman.. (each one, teach one.. get it) A womans, perception of men is, reinforced with every man she get’s involved with.. And even if she has a certain type, that she’ll only get romantic with, when she gets hurt, she looks at all of us, through that filter of disbelief, resentment and scorn. A man, a “no excuses, freedom is never having to say your sorry” man, is her guide, her direction.. like that of a parent, to a child or conscious to the subconscious. “a man, just needs a place.. but a woman, needs a reason” and that special place, lies, deep inside a womans subjective world, where like in objective reality, she’ll only do certain things in certain places.. she finds reasons, to do with us, what we would like her to do, in special places in her mind and body.. it’s our job, as men.. to lead her, like how, the early man lead his mate, from and to actual physical terrain.. and, all is mental now, so the states, we’re leading her to and from, are inside her.. it’s this ability, to lead and direct.. that in her eyes, separates the men from the boys. and how, we leave her.. in her eyes, separates men of purpose from delusionist’s wasting time… brothers, good luck, in the hunt.. and never mind, the devil.. Ross, actually works for me, 😉

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    Danny May 4, 2010, 3:59 pm

    Like, I get the good feeling of hope, when Ross lays it out, when he says that you “seldom take a women’s first response as written in stone.” Now that I hear it from this female scheherazade wonder, it sounds even more like the fact of truth. Ok then, that feels good. Good idea, I will just exhale and let this SPEEDSEDUCTION material flow on in.

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    Britt from Mobile May 4, 2010, 4:52 pm

    Freakin brilliant. We need to hear more of this stuff directly from the womens mouths so we can get a better understanding about them. I am very glad to see this posted.

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    derek May 4, 2010, 5:18 pm

    i agree with a lot what she is saying about men taking a back seat to women nowadays and this being a big reason for frustration in relationships. I think women do want men to lead, not by being controlling assholes but by speaking their truth and not over reacting to women and their various moods and attitudes.

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    Nick May 4, 2010, 6:53 pm

    That was a wonderful speaker, who better to show a man why a woman behaves as she does better than a woman?

    She’s very right about arguing with a lady I’ve had the experience in which a woman I was involved with blew up speaking total nonsense, which instead of walking away like I usually do. I stood my ground and set her straight, which actually made her feel more connected with me.

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    Art A May 4, 2010, 7:07 pm

    What an amazing woman. She knows her stuff and gives spot on advice. It is so much more powerful coming from a woman too who understands womens and mens true roles (No offense Ross you do a good job too but am glad you are exposing us to this woman’s genius)

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    Jackson May 4, 2010, 8:30 pm

    Sick Vid RJ

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    Tony May 4, 2010, 10:03 pm

    The main reason why women act like bitches is because of feminism. The same feminism has taught women to be more masculine (lesbians) and men to be more feminine (gay men) through the main stream media, and through activists in our Universities. These same elements tell women to go for a career first and a baby second but a women’s body clock is ticking, but don’t worry your not a women your a masculised women ??? A lot of women are taught that they don’t need a man by lesbians and feminists and instead go to a sperm doner clinic to get a child, in their 40’s. The socialists have achieved almost total success in Australia and Europe. But this is changing the last 10 years. Women don’t see the problems they are causing themselves when they humiliate men. Theirs no excuse for it. Guys need to bring women up on it in front of their friends. Women need to pull each other up on this matter of humiliation, and not leave it to men. If women are names and shamed then we wouldn’t have this problem. No wonder, I see so many guys give up on approaching women in bars and clubs. Sometimes I get so angry about it that I want to punch them out, I’m sick of being polite and accommodating towards them.

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    Carl May 4, 2010, 10:38 pm

    I used to feel like it was my place to “fix” a woman. I really tried but it was like hitting my head against a wall. Then a friend told me that I couldn’t fix myself let alone her. I think there is truth in the idea that you should never be in a relationship with someone who has more problems than you. Maybe it is not probable to find a woman who does not have some sort of issues with men but if she respects you enough she will not give you a black eye for the other guy. Even a kid knows boundaries if they are established early on in the relationship.

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    Clifftor Campos May 4, 2010, 11:45 pm

    Short but very helpful..got me thinking….

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    Ian May 5, 2010, 12:01 am

    This woman speaks with clarity and insight. She’s a great find RJ, well done!

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    alan May 5, 2010, 12:21 am

    “We’re all here to support each other in becoming more conscious.” Couldn’t help thinking what a difference from Mystery. I mean I love his teachings too, but going into a sarge thinking… “gotta survive and replicate… survive and replicate… 10955 days left.” It never really worked for me. But it’s easy to imagine going into whatever social situation, and how you would do things different thinking your purpose is to make that person’s unconscious conscious.

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    Jorge May 5, 2010, 4:54 am

    Umbelievable , I never thought we as man had these role. Next time I meet a woman, I am going to try to teach her ,

    excellent lecture!

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    Michael May 5, 2010, 4:59 am

    That’s dead on right. Men takes the lead. That’s what makes them more attractive. Glad you got this video from a female’s point of view.

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    Ross Jeffries May 5, 2010, 5:51 pm

    Wow. More coming from the Cobra. Note to Paul: I don’t hear Sasha saying it is our job to “heal” anyone. I certainly don’t advocate putting up with psychos, much less healing them. But this is about assisting women who are having a less than useful response IN THE MOMENT.

    More coming soon…


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    Brian May 7, 2010, 8:50 pm

    Taking seduction-advice from women is like taking hunting-advice from Bambi. This Sasha-chick doesn’t know what men goo through, and this psychobabble-crap couldn’t get you laid at the Mustang Ranch with a million bucks’ credit on your account there.

    Women are bitches because that’s how they SHIT-TEST men today, to see if you CARE WHAT SHE THINKS; so showing weakness, pain, or ANY negative response is like showing blood to a shark.

    Women, as Ross’s original course discussed, don’t have much sense of objective morality, but are more “born moral relativists–” i.e. they just do what they’re TOLD is the right thing, and their conscience is clear as water, no matter WHAT horrible things they do… and that’s a problem especially today because our sense of ethics is clear as MUD.

    So women today behave how they’re programmed to behave— by other schoolgirls, television, movies, magazines, books etc: just watch any TV show or movie, and you’ll see how “cool” it portrayed to be, for women to insult and bash them; and if he gets upset then he’s an idiot, and it’s funny. But when the guy just takes it in stride, smiles and just plays with it like he’s so cool and smooth that it’s just a game to him– and he ends up getting laid. And this is enfiorced even more, because feminism tells women that they have to “bend the rules to get ahead” (as Melanie Griffith says in the movie “Working Girl”.)

    When a woman first meets you, she’ll immediately begin “scanning” you out for “value” like the Terminator, forming an impression to see if you’re “worthy” of her, noting everything about hyou, and everything you do, almost as if those red letters are flashing next to your image in front of her eyes. And so her words to you are a TEST: and if you make a “hurty-face” (like Sasha says you SHOULD), then her “screen” will flash the word “INFANTILE LOSER! AVOID!” (or other “bitch-shield” reactions). It might evoke sympathy from her, but it sure as hell ain’t gonna get you no pooty-tang, since sympathy is for FRIENDS– and contrary to EVERTHING feminism tells you, WOMEN DON’T FUCK FRIENDS– ONLY SUPERIORS.
    So she might be sorry that “she made the baby cry,” but it also makes her think you ain’t no MAN in her book (which again, was written by the media that “REAL men respond to snarky put-downs with unflinching amusement and witty comebacks like James Bond.” They instinctively believe that a “man of real character” will think so little of her that he couldn’t possibly CARE what she things– ironically in contrast to what women say today about men, women today think with their VAGINAS, thinking that this is the only thing she has to offer a REAL man– and therefore USING it to lure men to see if he’s REAL. (So women today, aren’t bitches– they’re CUNTS…. LITERALLY).

    Let’s face it: things have changed REALLY fast in the past 50 years; in 1960, NO woman would marry a complete stranger on television, just because he’s a millionaire– but today it seems almost EVERY chick would do it.
    So there we have it: these “cunts” want to think that they have the million-dollar pussy, and so being a cunt is just their ‘instant scan” method to see if you measure up, by seeing how you RESPOND to it!

    The problem with women like Sasha here, is that they forget that they ARE women– i.e. they have NO CLUE that they get handled with kid-gloves by society, and so they fancy themselves as equals– which is like a woman in the army thinking she’s a combat-soldier, i.e. she has NO CLUE what the real thing is like– and if she did then she wouldn’t be half as cocky (or “cunty,” if you will in this case). Just listen to her talk: to her it’s all THEORY, i.e. just a fact she’ll never have to deal with, so she should just shut her fucking mouth and not tell US how to swim in the rapids when she ain’t even never had her fucking feet wet.

    The solution? The subconcious mind responds with a conditioned reflex, and so if you practice how to respond to a bitchy comment in a “James Bond” manner (i.e. calm, unflinching amusement and a witty comeback– THIS is how women define “confidence–” which they expect a man to have with lion-fighting courage, while she herself is free to be as shy and sensitive as she wants– remember it’s YOUR value to which she feels entitled, having the million-dollar pussy).

    But it has to be POKER-FACED calm and confidence, because ONE FLASH of any “deer in the headlights” hesitation, or “hurty-face” sign in your eyes to show that she got to you, and you can FORGET ABOUT IT.
    If you can look in a mirror and have someone throw the most hurtful thing imaginable at you, and still not arch an eyelid, then you’re on the first step to masterign the “charming comeback;” otherwise, the bitch will go with someone who CAN….i.e. a sociopath.

    The ONLY way to have this confidence (unless you ARE brave as lion-fighter), is to be PREPARED– i.e. have at least a dozen “canned comebacks” memorized, and be able to respond to them with ZERO tension in your voice (but rather light-hearted AMUSEMENT that she’s treating you like absolute shit), so that it makes you SOUND like you have a razor-sharp wit which would make 007 himself jealous.

    Confidence is also an art in itself, but it BEGINS with preparation; as another famous artist says, “NOTHING works if you’re not confident– while almost ANYTHING will work if you are.”

    I’ve said enough here, but keep it in mind.

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      Ross Jeffries May 9, 2010, 9:19 am

      Whoa! I think you’re over-generalizing there, Brian. Some women certainly act and think as you describe, but not all of them.

      Women are also capable of passion, compassion, caring etc.

      I think your anger is justifiable, but it is also distorting your perception.

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      Ross Jeffries May 9, 2010, 9:24 am

      One more thing: “bitchy” implies that they know they are testing you. For many women, it really is simply lack of control.

      That also has to be handled, but I don’t think modeling yourself after a fictional movie character is a good response.


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    Bhodisatta May 8, 2010, 11:43 am

    it only takes her 0:57 seconds to blame women’s bad attitude on men to … their fathers! so yet again men are the cause. peurile. could a young girls (bad) attitude to men not come from watching her mother treat her father badly? I guarantee most women a) love their dad more than their mother b) learned a bad attitude to men by watching their mother treat their dad without respect.
    And the MAIN reason for their bad attitude is not even covered. I believe this is i)social conditioning in a feminized society ii)women’s pathalogical inadequacy and insecurity iii) grotesequely inflated sense of self worth.

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      Ross Jeffries May 9, 2010, 9:15 am

      Bhodi, I don’t think Sasha is blaming anyone. She’s the first, I think, to acknowledge that the whole game is rigged to create pain for men AND women.

      I personally agree with you that any women are affected by the factors you listed. Isn’t it interesting how items 2 and 3 contradict each other! I actually think that, psychologically speaking, 3 is a defensive reaction to 2, which is what they really feel.

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    Brian May 8, 2010, 1:13 pm

    P.S. Sasha: “don’t take it personally” if a man abuses YOU, either; he’s probably just angry over a bad childhood-reationship with his mother, and you can get along with him if you just share your feelings (a-HA!)
    Ross: GET THIS BITCH OUTTA HERE, please; you look like a total pussy when you have women as authorities ON women; it’s like an anthropologist having a MONKEY as a guest-speaker.

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    Chris Gardynik May 8, 2010, 2:37 pm

    Extremely impressive.

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    Bhodisatta May 10, 2010, 3:20 pm

    Thank you for your response Ross. Yes I never realised it till I read your response, reasons 2 and 3 I list ARE contradictory! (but somehow they still manage it).

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    Bhodisatta May 10, 2010, 3:24 pm

    ps. hang on a second… Maybe it’s the other way round to what you suggest. Maybe 3 is not a defensive reaction to 2, but maybe 3 is the *cause* of 2 i.e. society conditions women to feel this superiority and deep inside it has no inner-core, it is all window-dressing, so in fact they end up with a sense of inadequacy.

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    Sildo May 11, 2010, 7:29 pm

    some it’s due to social programming. since childhood they see movies and novels.. generally
    woman is isntructed to act like bitches, depending the “history”.. you see the man weak
    (generally a wuss, a nice guy) and the woman having the power of choice due to her looks, c’mon..

    also sex sells more than water, so it’s easy to manipulate the public and tell rules according
    to the media.. most of us are programmed according to movies, media and so on!

    now, we have to pay the price.

    i know, also, maybe she has problems with mans, family.. and so on, but we hate when that happens.
    yes we can deal with that, but still sucks. the media simply tells woman to treat man like shit..
    if he’s not her type.. if you dont have money, status and appearence, you are lost! unless you
    use some seduction techniques.. LOL!!

    c’mon.. who disagree with me?

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    Kharami May 11, 2010, 9:03 pm

    When ever I took on dating like a job I instantly grew “thicker skin” and had great come backs quickly and easily. But to be even clearer, taking dating on as job interviewing or selling products. When you sell your labor to a employer or you sell services or products to people you can get a whole myriad of responses from abusive to praise and gratitude for your presence. Being in a business mode you instantly GET, the idea that you need to have more than one client, customer or prospect. This makes you look busy in the right ways because you are a fella who knows HOW TO go about things.

    Interviewing them at first is Weird, but after a while you figure how to interview them with more fun and trickery…
    If you want three girlfriends and you set your mind to it, take RJ classes and then treat your learning like working for something valuable the women and the lifestyle will come into alignment with your passion and determination.

    As far as anger and other things that simply means its time for karma clearing, deep hypnotic forgiveness tools and re-learning how your life is Very Important to the fabric of our world. Distribute your talents and step up into your best self, again and again. The business of girl getting is a business and business can carry many levels of service and love as well as shrewd dealings as well as defective services.

    Women are gaming and in business. OBSERVE THIS. Some game in healthy ways and some in short lived ways. Many become alcoholics and kill them selves or drain the life of themselves and each other. You must treat people with love and respect AND when you find a dirt bag business partner just clean up shop and get to greener pastures…let her burn her self in the hell she is living in, smiles and fake ponytails and all. You move into the next interview and find long term beneficial contracts that suit your purpose whether its just fun, or just everything else. Dating is one massive negotiation and just for a few guys who really need to here this, Negotiating can be fun and will become fun once your good at it. And Love Yes is a negotiation…study that word and learn it well. It can be done with humor and class. People who negotiate well can have great affection for each other too. Its a great self defense skill and you can still fuck like a rabbit when the “right client” appears from your successful self marketing…that should never appear as marketing : )


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      Ross Jeffries May 11, 2010, 10:51 pm

      You say rightly. I tell you now, thou art not far from the Kingdom of Sargy.

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      Ross Jeffries May 14, 2010, 3:17 pm

      Brilliant piece here: the business girl getting is a business and business can carry many levels of service and love as well as shrewd dealings as well as defective services.

      And this, “people who negotiate well can have great affection for each other too. It’s a great self-defense skill and you can still fuck like a rabbit when the “right client” appears from your successful self-marketing..that should never APPEAR as marketing”.

      Just sage, sage advice. Who the hell are you?

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    Bhodisatta May 14, 2010, 3:33 pm

    yeah i dig it.

    I think it is this guy but with a mistyped URL: http://www.sunatocompanies.com/

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    Evelyn June 3, 2010, 11:59 am

    I’m sure you can tell from my name that I’m a woman. I came across this because I googled “why do men love bitches” because that’s what I’ve seen. I’m a sweet girl, but I have bad luck in dating. People tell me I’m attractive and that I should have more confidence in that, but I don’t believe them, so maybe you shouldn’t either. After having my heart broken a couple times by guys that I thought liked me, I discovered the PUA community and realized that a lot of what those guys did to win me over was described in what I was reading (not the negging type stuff, the building rapport and pretending to like her stuff). It makes me really sad to know that I’ll probably never actually find love, that most guys these days see women as the enemy, to be manipulated and used. It makes me sad that instead of seeing women as people who have feelings, you just shrug us off as bitches if we don’t respond immediately to your advances, and if we do respond you use us and throw us away, apparently not caring that that’s probably what made the “bitchy” girls so bitchy. It’s just that you didn’t meet them til after. At this point, I am pretty cold to guys when they first come over to me, because now I’m jaded. I know what they want. I know that they don’t care if they have to insult me or hurt me to get it. I know that if they’re nice to get it, it doesn’t mean anything.
    I realize there are some women who play games. There are some women who like the rich, supposed alpha-male jocks, who like being bossed around, who respect men for mistreating them. But that doesn’t mean all of us do. A lot of us just want someone who’ll be nice to us. At this point I’ve given up on ever getting married or having a family (at 25, this isn’t a priority to me, but I figure that if I’m being treated so badly while I’m in my prime, it’s only going to get worse as I get older). I’m willing to whore myself out to have someone kiss my forehead and hold my hand and lay on the beach with me. I know these guys won’t stay around, but at least they tell me I’m pretty, at least the let me sleep over after sex instead of telling me to get the hell out. At least they talk to me and pretend to care about my opinions instead of asking me if they can come back to my place before they even tell me their names, the way the cocky guys do.
    Apparently that’s too difficult. Sometimes I feel like most guys get off more on humiliating a girl and making her cry over him than they do on having sex with her. If you are above being nice in order to get in a woman’s pants, I guess that’s up to you to decide. There’ll always be somebody who’s willing. You just gotta be a jerk to several girls. The ones who don’t go for it, you can call them bitches. And the ones who do go for it, well they’re just proof of what “all women” go for, huh? Tell yourselves that if you want to. Tell yourselves that “all women” want to be treated like shit, because that’s how we know that he’s got value, that he’s a “real” man. It isn’t true, though.
    I hope you realize that eventually we’ll all have been hurt, we’ll all be jaded. We’ll all give you a nasty look when you come up to us to run your lines. The men who sell the programs sell them to a lot of men. It’s one thing when there are a few seducers out there, but now that so many men are into it, and most stick with the cruelest, most misogynistic ways of going about it, it’s only a matter of time til you can’t find any takers.
    I’ve had older men hit on me a lot. They tell me they don’t like women their own age because those women have baggage. My friends and I have baggage too. I might not have kids, but I know what it feels like to have my heart broken. I know that no matter how much money they have or how nice a car they drive or where they live or how they dress or whatever else you think every woman cares about, they aren’t a provider. I know that having money doesn’t mean they’re going to take care of me. All they want it to rent a girl for a year or two, then trade her in for a newer model. If that’s how it is, I’d rather stick with the hot, young guys. They’re jerks too, but at least I can pretend that it’s because they don’t know better.
    It’s sad that at 25, I’ve given up. It’s sad that lot of my friends have too. It’s just not a level playing field. It’s sad that at 25, I feel like life is just a trap. I want to give and love and care about people, but instead I have to focus on just taking care of myself, like some kind of uncivilized beast, like men do I guess. All my future is is work and possessions. Sure, friends are nice, but it’s not the same. Masturbation gets the job done, but it’s not the same either. But that’s life, apparently, in the modern world.
    I doubt many of you care. I’m not even a person to you, anyways. Male friends tell me I should play more games, but if I can only get a man by manipulate him, I don’t think I want him. It’s a huge turn off. I wish men felt the same way I do about manipulating women. It’s really too bad that you’d rather manipulate than make yourself worth wanting by cultivating a good character, that you’d rather win with a lie than be worthy of winning with the truth.

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      Ross Jeffries June 3, 2010, 12:30 pm

      So…like…what are you trying to say?


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    Tom June 8, 2010, 12:38 pm

    Great video!
    Women want to feel like women – and that can only happen if a man behaves like a man.
    I have a friend who has a GF who used to treat him bad – I told him to stand up for himself. Show her that he is the man and he won’t put up with her BS anymore. He was surprised how well this worked!

    I was surprised by the “reflex acting” part in the video – I never thought of this before.
    Next time I get a bitchy behavior (thank god that doesn’t happen that often) I’ll ask them with kindly and with a smile on my face why they reacted that way. If they continue to bitch around – than they’re just not worth my time anyway

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    yyzzss October 3, 2010, 12:28 pm

    If you are arguing with a woman, and you just walk out on someone because they’re arguing with you or worse – if you start arguing or cursing at them – a woman will see it as a lack of respect and you will start to have a vicious circle of disrespect. You can change this dynamic by knowing how to redirect the conversation in a way that is not offensive, simply standing and listening, or holding your own. And by the way, this is not just the task of a MAN, there are plenty of MEN out there that cannot control themselves or their anger and it is the woman that has to hold her own in those situations and either walk away if she needs to or stand up for herself. In fact, this scenario is so common that I fail to understand why people don’t talk about it. I have had to tell my ex-boyfriend on more than one occasion that he must control his tone of voice when he talks to me and talk to me with respect or take a moment to control himself because I don’t tolerate crazy irrational behavior that is hurtful to others. And when I talk to him in an even, calm tone of voice it calms him down. It takes years to become the level headed one, but it can be done.

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    yyzzss October 3, 2010, 1:20 pm

    Oh and to the guy that said this
    “I guarantee most women a) love their dad more than their mother b) learned a bad attitude to men by watching their mother treat their dad without respect.”

    You could not be more wrong. Your statement is aggressive, misogynistic, and repelling. Everything depends on the person and the situation. You cannot make generalizations like that about people you don’t know.

    MY mother was a hard worker, a good woman, and she did everything for me. My father hit my mother, he screamed at me constantly, he was often unemployed, he did not provide for us, and after twenty years, when he left my mother, it was not because she threw him out of the house (like she should have) but because he decided to run off with a younger woman, who then dumped him-which frankly was what he deserved).

    Not every woman has the same experience but some stories are surprisingly repetitive. Until you get to know a woman, you cannot even start to know the extent of their problems or experiences or the source of their disdain.

    But If you don’t believe my personal life story, believe statistics. Men are six times more likely to leave their wives when they have cancer than women are to leave their husbands when they get cancer. Do you think that’s a lie too? It may be that you had bad experiences with your mother that talked down to your father – and that’s unfortunate. Maybe the women in your life have not been as supportive as the women in mine – and that’s unfortunate. However, to claim that that’s the case in EVERY SITUATION is grossly wrong.

    My expectations are not that high. Money? Power? All I actually expect for a man is that he be able to support himself, not raise his hand at me, and talk to me like a human being. I never wear flashy clothes to clubs because I don’t plan to attract millionaires. I would like to meet a good man, but I know that it does not happen for everyone so I’m not even holding my breath. If I don’t get married it will be preferable to marrying someone that treats me badly – I would rather just get cats and travel.

    If I meet a man and I am not attracted to him I will politely turn him down. If he gets angry at me for turning him down, I simply shrug it off because I have no obligation to lend out my heart or body when I don’t want to. If I am attracted to a man I will have sex with him if I want to. I do not however, see dating as a complex negotiation where you have to buy a woman five dinners before sex because I am not for sale. I am not surprised if a guy is upset with me because If I meet a man that raises his voice or his hand at me I show him to the door.

    Every time I see a man that works and doesn’t hit his wife or children, I am grateful at the reinforcement of the knowledge that good men do exist. Every time I see a rape on the television or a man that would rather have sex with a prostitute than with his wife it is a reinforcement of the reality that bad men also exist.If I ever find a man that actually loves and has respect for me I will probably consider it a miracle. This is a good and bad and shitty world and dismissing the real life experiences of women as childish irrationality, insanity, or cruelty must mean that you are living in an incredible bubble. You don’t have to marry someone that talks down to you, but you certainly do have the obligation of seeing clearly and assigning respect to those those women that treat you with dignity – and I am sure that there are women like that in your life, whether or not you choose to notice.

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    Petr December 10, 2010, 11:20 am

    that’s a good one yyzzss… not to question women’s general rational abilities, in your posts you manifested (surprisingly for me i have to admit) more mature rationality than most of male contributors here… my respect…


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    Ollieo January 30, 2011, 2:09 pm

    This made me laugh – such sweeping generalities – sexual stereotypes – and from someone with the life experience of a gnat. Love the stereotype in the end that the guy is to lead and fix the poor traumatized thing. Hey what about personal responsibility. Learn how not to behave badly. And don’t make pop-psychology excuses about how you were treated by one gender or the other in the past.

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    Jc July 7, 2011, 1:37 am

    Guys…Just found your site by accident and wanted to tell you that you have it all backwards. I’m trying to help here, that’s all. I’m an ex-athlete (as in professional) and also French (north American) I’ve been called arrogant by women and many other things but the truth is…I’m simply confident and know the game…period. Women want what they can’t have and if you are a real man, you will let them know that you are above there “tits and ass” game. This is all the power they have against you and they know it. A women never knows at any given moment, what it is that they want…except, that they want what they can’t have…period. If you stand out by being a real man and use leverage to your advantage…you’re in. So, what is this leverage? Here is the biggest secret you need to learn…the “tits and ass” principal can be countered by they are no more special that all the other bitches out there and that they are actually inferior to many if not most of the other bitches…that is one of the reason they infight with each other, it is already a subconscious fear they live with, capitalize on it by not showing weakness and looking around, so that they don’t feel special. Once that fear surfaces in them, do the exact opposite and through them a bone…a small one, a glimmer of hope if you will. This glimmer of hope has to do with their own internal world…feed the addiction and then and only then will they be in a receptive state. They are genetically fucked in the head due to Emotional overload to begin with…you have to break through that or else it is impossible for them to be present to even acknowledge you as existing…she is living in an internal world at this point…period. (an negative emotional internal world) They are all quite predictable actually…so much so that it is like messing with a child and in most situation, that is what they are…children in a toy store not knowing wish toy to pick. I’m a player of the highest degree and will always remind so. Yes I have some advantages that you guys don’t…but that means nothing if you play with what you have, there is always strength in any so called weakness. The chick in the video is not hot enough sorry to say to have had enough experience on this topic and…again, she herself does not know what she is looking for…so, the advice you receive from her is more out of a self f### book she read somewhere, that I assure you. Hope this helps you guys…take care and good luck bros.


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      Ross Jeffries July 8, 2011, 10:32 am


      I initially trashed this comment, but I’m going to allow it and address to show you guys the dangers in this approach.

      “Women want what they can’t have and if you are a real man, you will let them know that you are above there “tits and ass” game. ”

      A dangerous and inaccurate distortion, more truthfully rendered as, “Humans tend to value more highly what they have to exert work for to obtain.”

      I can’t have a rhino come dance on my couch and sing the theme from “Spider-Man” but I don’t much want it either.

      If you read further, what you will see this guy really means is this: if you engender fear of loss, self-doubt and confusion in women, they will move away from that pain by offering obedience and compliance to you. That’s a far cry from “women want what they can’t have”.

      “you will let them know that you are above there “tits and ass” game. This is all the power they have against you and they know it”

      Note the frame: it’s about the power they have “against you”.

      Yes, it is true that woman’s physical beauty can grant her lots of power if we don’t know how to control our state and our responses. This doesn’t mean that she is going to necessarily abuse that power or even feel comfortable exerting it. So your premise that it has to be power against power is not entirely accurate. Nor is your solution to the “problem” the best one.

      “A women never knows at any given moment, what it is that they want…except, that they want what they can’t have…period”

      Rubbish and without much meaning either. All humans experience, from time to time, conflicting desires. And again, if a woman perceives she has to invest and work for your attention etc, she’ll come after it more eagerly, for the most part. (Although those who seriously doubt they can every have anything they want will more likely just give up and go away).

      I think when you confuse women by keeping them doubting, you see alot of driven behavior and you are mistaking that for them not know what they want.

      Here is the deeper sickness in your approach:

      “the “tits and ass” principal can be countered by they are no more special than the other bitches out there and that they are actually inferior to many if not most of the other bitches…that is one of the reason they infight with each other, it is already a subconscious fear they live with, capitalize on it by not showing weakness and looking around, so that they don’t feel special. Once that fear surfaces in them, do the exact opposite and through them a bone…a small one, a glimmer of hope if you will. This glimmer of hope has to do with their own internal world…feed the addiction and then and only then will they be in a receptive state. ”

      Wow. So play on a woman’s deepest fears and sense of inadequacy. And what will you get in return for that? Love? Genuine interest in you? Actual sexual attraction?

      Or will you get a desperate desire to clear up her fear and confusion by winning your approval? Do you enjoy feeling someone’s desperate, fearful and confused emotions surrounding you when you thrust your cock into them? What kind of energetic exchange and embrace of the other is that? Or is sex just about rubbing membranes and shooting your juice into a a fearful meat puppet?

      How can you in any way ever love or even hold affection for someone whom you also hold in such contempt?

      More spew:

      “They are genetically fucked in the head due to Emotional overload to begin with…you have to break through that or else it is impossible for them to be present to even acknowledge you as existing…she is living in an internal world at this point…period. (an negative emotional internal world) ”

      Every human suffers from pain, confusion, fear, etc. Male, female, old and young, ugly and lovely. That’s reality. Exploiting that and playing on it is sick, and it’s also unnecessary. We can be positive challenges to women without pushing down on their fear buttons.

      My students are living proof of it.

      The greatest failure of your method is when it works for you because of what continually requires you to be and the what it denies to you.

      You’ve got aggression down. You need to work on the adoration.

      You’ve got dominance. You are missing devotion.

      Guys need to find the balance. You are on the other end of the scale and your ass is scraping the bottom.


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    absolutely true says October 24, 2012, 8:08 pm

    many women nowadays were born that way to begin with, and that is certainly a good reason why so many of us good straight men can’t seem to meet a decent normal woman today. i never realized that there are so many rotten ones out there today, unlike years ago when they were much more educated.

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    Jennifer May 24, 2013, 8:01 am

    I’m a single woman in my 40’s. I have never at my previous relationships with men and also with my female friends. been so mean. Also, kind and always took my reigns in the workforce and have always been being my way.

    I think women treat women like myself this way. It is horrible my life has been treated unfairly because of a bitchie female.

    I get so tired of this – just from an older females perspective. Who gave these witches the right?

    I blame the economy, facebook (social sites) and bad parenting to teenage girls. I walk away too. get sick of this. Time to change because not all women are like this.

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    The Truth Is January 28, 2017, 11:27 am

    Well it is real fact that mental retardation on women is now at a all time high than ever before.

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