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    0rion June 14, 2010, 7:28 am

    Part of installing a state of enjoyment and arousal for me is the “you go first” idea. In tear’s of becoming too excited and having that effect the sarge. I look at it from the angle of non-attachment to the result and things in live and the sarge go much smoother.

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    seismic June 15, 2010, 12:20 am

    sometimes that hb like flushes your mind when she comes around with her appearence (colourful hotpants, pink finger nails etc ) and somehow makes you feel a bit uncomfortable ( dunno how this works probably she tries to maintain her confidence state aswell ) . probably the best solution in this situation is to say something to her so she can loosen up. so far ignoring is number 2 best option, but staring is very bad. 😀

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    Diño June 16, 2010, 8:22 am

    Sometimes asking better questions is the key to getting better answers…

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    Markus June 18, 2010, 4:15 pm

    “Can you hold your state when you see that hot body? Can you stay grounded AND feel your excitement?”

    that was a good one. the embedded command of “feel your excitement” really did work on me for some seconds even though i know your stuff. really good. i wonder whether it did work that good due to the AND which definitely catches attention/ thinking/ conscious mind so your unconscious mind opens up and you THEN feel the excitement. or the totally out of place question before with the same purpose. or is it that total opposite of emotions of “staying grounded” AND “feeling excitement”… probably all of it. i ll definitely try this out.
    i mean thats the cool thing about you Ross. even though i feel like a little mouse in your brain cage again you did provide a great line to come up with when its about written words. seriously even knowing what is going on and just reading over it again does evoke an emotion of excitement… crazy stuff…
    due to the great line that really keyed me up your generous attempt to clear my mind in the second part didnt work that well. thanks anyway.

    so to somehow answer your “question” the answer is that you altruistic human being wanted to cheer us up – for some seconds at least. though the cheering up ends up in thinking about these words for more than 10 minutes again… and i will think about this whole paragraph for a while altogether to get the most out of it as possible… but maybe that was your intention in the first place… nobody knows… …oh yea of course i hit the “magic link” just for the heck of it though

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