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    Ed April 6, 2010, 4:41 pm

    You spoke about body language, and your body language here is great, really happy, truly conveys the pleasure and success of what you do.

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      Ross Jeffries April 6, 2010, 6:31 pm

      I love my job, Ed.

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    Tony April 6, 2010, 5:02 pm

    The video is awesome, but it got stuck at 15:56.

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      Ross Jeffries April 6, 2010, 6:31 pm

      It think that is as long as it goes.

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    lee April 6, 2010, 8:01 pm

    Hi Ross,
    This is the very first time I`m sending a comment, two years after I made my first purchase of your products. I had wanted to post comments but I just guessed you may be getting too many of them and don`t want or need more. However I think you have heard it all! You deserve every vocal and vowel of those beautiful comments you get. All of your teachings are wonderful and infact I think you are really one of the best teachers in the world, if not the very best. You could teach anything, not only pick up but exactly anything you know about, in the best way most people ever seen. Big up Ross! You are strictly the best. This video is awesome. I can`t wait to see the follow up.
    Too bad I wouldn`t make it to LA. 🙁 I live in Europe and will not be able to make it then. Hopefully next seminar.


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      Ross Jeffries April 8, 2010, 11:01 am

      Lee, I’ll be in Europe this summer, so you’ll get your chance to learn from me in London, and it looks like Copenhagen and Oslo too! Stay tuned here for more details!


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    Roy April 6, 2010, 11:32 pm

    Great video Ross! I know for me having too much desire for sex, too much importance on the overall outcome of the interaction with one girl or need to go out and “get some” will throw a monkey wrench into my abilities, creating a forward-leaning that comes off as needy and lead to many of the behaviors you describe. It’s important to just go with the intent of having fun and go see what happens as you have many times so wisely stated.

    You have a new book?? Awesome! What’s it about, SS in general or maybe something new and juicy?

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    Clifford Campos April 6, 2010, 11:50 pm

    It’s hard to look at the truth when it faces you. This has been very helpful, have done a few of these..will correct them….THANKS

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    Scott Lopez April 7, 2010, 12:31 am

    I’ll be in LA in a few weeks for the seminar…can’t wait. I did see some of my own stuck points here. I think the biggest point to nail home is that, “It’s ok…no, it’s damn critical to put yourself, number #1!”

    I’m not saying that we need to be insensitive users and abusers, but I’d rather be empathetic and not sympathetic to the female drama or bullshit games they play. My needs, happiness and fulfillment come first and if they can’t handle it so be it/ Somewhere along the line we Men can get stuck in putting others first and that’s where the sticking points and destructive behaviors beging to take root. And it applies not only to women but also to others parts of our lives. Do you agree? I like where you’re taking your materials and approach to Inner Game. Rock on Ross!

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    Tom April 7, 2010, 2:49 am

    That’s more or less what I was waiting for, thanks Ross!
    Before two weeks I invited a girl to come over so we could cook together BUT I also told her we were NOT going to have sex. Is it wrong to do this anyway? …she canceled the meeting so I guess the answer is “yes” but in the other hand we already had sex some weeks before.

    I guess the last point “Allowing a girl who is flaking on you…” was up until now my problem.
    I’ll let my penis grow back now


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    Radek April 7, 2010, 6:37 am

    I must admit that I have already learned from you many of the things that were included in this video – for example not “putting girl on pedestal” (fantasizing about her having positive features that she may not even have). And when I first learned these things I thought to myself that I should implement this behavior towards girls (don’t get crush on a girl, etc.) just to give it a try (why not? I’ve been doing these things in past and it got me nowhere near girls panties 🙂 ).

    And when I started doing it, I managed to make improvements in relations with girls, I still didn’t got to the girls panties but I came much closer than before, as a matter of fact I came much closer than I thought I can ever come to hot girls panties without some kind of drama involved in the process. But after some time I got lazy and distracted by other things in my life, and got to the point in which I slowly started to do a lil’ bit of the bad stuff you mentioned – not so much as before the time I got the knowledge, but somehow this behavior did managed to came back to me. I’ve already managed to learn new skills in times when I completely abandoned this bad behavior so I still was getting attention of girls, I even managed to learn a thing or two but – yes, one may say that I got stuck. The learning process got harder and it took a lot more time to implement new things in relations with girls.

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that in learning new skills it is important to remember about discipline and from time to time reherse the basic ideas behind the stuff we are practising.

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    Fenix April 7, 2010, 6:47 am

    Very real the stuck points stuff, this is a good breakdown you just did!

    I think the last point in the video (not in detriment of the others) is very important and happens a lot and is a hard stuck point for many guys.

    Thanks for this video Ross.

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    Diño April 7, 2010, 9:02 am

    Wow, deeeeeeep post… a lot of things to observe.
    The first thing that comes to my mind is about INTEGRATION, and it has a lot to do with some insights i´ve been having, thanks to these posts. Keeping the swimming metaphor I´ve talked about, I think that integrating the different vibes is like learning how to swim, for example, to swim right you have to learn how to move, your arms, your legs, keep your body straight and flat to the water and finally not to forget to breathe… If you only do these things sepparately, only breathing but not moving your legs and arms the right way, or even worse, moving your arms and legs, but forgeting to breathe and not keeping straight, you end up not going anywhere or drowning… so it is with the vibes, the same way you shouldn´t become only a “breather” or “straight keeper” in order to learn how to swim, you also shouldn´t focus only in beeing funny, domminant, intuitive or sincere, to become a seducer. In orde to do that one should learn how to integrate them all, and only them you can say you´re seducing some girl. Now, I realize that it may not be too easy at first, that´s why I understand the PRACTICE of sarging, as learnig how to swim in a swimming pool, You´re there to learn how to integrate all these vibes and this experimental, educational filter is always worth, because you´re always learning. In a swimming pool you don´t have a particular point where you want to get, you´re not crossing a river to get to a certain point, but you´re learning the steps to do that effectivelly when you need to.

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    Diño April 7, 2010, 9:23 am

    continuing my last thought, some exercises like “manny martian” is like swimming in a pool, you can use it to develop a particular important skill, but not aiming to an specific behaviour of the woman. This gets me to sth i´ve been doing lately with incredible results, and would like to share and hear the opinions about, which is to input into some of my natural, normal activities with some metaphorical significance related to these vibes. So whenever I jump into a smimming pool, it´s almost like a ritual for installing these attitudes, beliefs, vibes and integrating them into myself. It makes each movement filled with meaning and really helps to wire in the vibes. The sam thing i realize one can do with any kind of physical activity, like dancing, trainning sports, or even driving a car, just think of the different things you have to keep in mind in a integrated way in order to do this activity fully, and input it with a different vibe or meaning. Gradually over time these are going to be integrated into you, just like the movements are…

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      Ross Jeffries April 8, 2010, 10:58 am

      Exactly: incorporate movement/physical activity into your ritual! You get it!

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    steve April 7, 2010, 10:15 am

    Good help for us guys Ross!!!You are the best!for most of us thats what we go through.As you said,it is difficult to avoid doing certain things,much more on the mental/emotional level.Sometimes I just know whats not helpful for me or whats damaging my mental and emotional energy and even though I fight it,it keeps coming back.That part is the most controversial.Thats the most difficult aspect of what keeps us stuck.Good news too over what actions to leave and what to reduce.It happens that I go being too much fun that I wind going nowhere with the girl.Waitin for part 2!!!Number 1 got my eyes half open,number 2 will show me fullscreen.

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    Step April 7, 2010, 11:36 am

    I feel very bad about this. I’m 20 virgin, never had girlfriend anytime whatsoever. I don’t know what is a kiss (exept having seen each single one of my friends kissing their girlfriends). So I’m pretty much struggled (aka desp.) with trying to do something. Yesterday I’have gone to Florence all day long just to try to manage to open one single girl. I did not manage to open any girl in 6 hours of walking.

    So When you talk about what wanking, projecting in the future and fantasize the problem is:that’s all I ever done with girls in my life so far. So it really makes my sort of cry. You are sort of describing that everything is wrong for me. Finally being said that all this is not just completely wrong but also weak, well, it’s not really encouraging. Sometimes in fact, after many attemps in trying to learn to open, masturbation becomes like the only way of “enjoying a girl”.

    after some hours of walking the foot began to fuse

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      Ross Jeffries April 8, 2010, 10:57 am

      There’s hope.

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    Antonio April 7, 2010, 11:53 am

    I was a natural in 5th grade, i got with every girl in my school it was awesome!

    suddenly with i guess tv and movies and society and my ignorance i fell into these traps, just about all of them brought down my major relationships lol.

    the funny part is that i didnt ever notice these behaviors are the devil!! anytime i blow a girl off then she wants me more, and whenever i put a girl on a pedestal then the relationship starts to get terrible for me and its done.

    thank you RJ for sharin this.

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      Ross Jeffries April 8, 2010, 10:56 am

      A natural IN THE 5TH GRADE? When you were 10 years old? What do 10 year old “naturals” do?

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    Diño April 7, 2010, 12:44 pm

    the last one… another thing i liked is the idea that you can improve more from stopping to do sth that keeps holding you back than from learning new stuff and adding information to the system, like in the “continuous courses syndrome” trap… it´s almost the lazy way to improving since it´s usually easier to stop doing sth than to start doing sth entirely different. Just to keep the metaphor, if you take your clothes off before jumping into the pool, you´ll probably swim better… The same way, one should keep what is maintaining them stuck out of the sarge…

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    Kenny April 7, 2010, 7:43 pm

    You say not to see your self with a girl, but if you follow the Psycho-Cybernetics how do you do theater of the mind?

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      Ross Jeffries April 8, 2010, 10:55 am

      Did I say that? I said don’t invest a future with the girl you haven’t screwed.

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    Diño April 8, 2010, 3:32 pm

    Not only this, what I´m alowing myself to do is incorporating my ritual into my movements/physical activity, so they become natural anchors for the vibes… I think you could make this to any kind of moving, even walking or just sitting and breathing with your back straight, but i prefer to integrate it into swimming so it´s not so overwhelming, and it becomes like a meditative process. It has a similar effect to meditation, because when you get good enough in the meditation stuff you can meditate almost 24h a day, during your normal activities, and then you know it has become part of who you are. The repetitive movements, regular breathing, constant awareness of your positioning and feelings inside your body in swimming or any kind of physical activity are the same elements of a meditation practice, and each repetition is almost a reviewing of the programming that assist you instead of pushing you back. Try this: imagine that the ability to stand up is like your ability to make your decisions for yourself and to afirm yourself as the leader of your own reality (kind of sincere energy, you´re showing yourself to the world); the ability to walk ahead, one step at a time, is your ability to be dominant, to go ahead and get where you want; the ability to breathe while doing this as you´re ability to take information that is outside you and use it in your favour (btw thats exactly what you do with oxigen), so it represents beeing comprenesive and intuitive, and finally your ability to turn back and walk away or to avoid some obstacle as your ability of beeing flexible, having fun and beeing experimental with your world… If you follow these steps, the simple act of walking become a ritual for integrating all these vibes, since you keep your intent to doing this…

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    Angel April 8, 2010, 8:00 pm

    Alright guys out there struggling with some of these things, like calling/texting too much, until you man up and stop doing these things, you can’t win, believe me motivate yourselves If I can do it you can too! It helped me to realize that its been proven that when you look at a pretty lady just the site of her gets your mind to release these chemicals that in a way manipulate your behavior, so in affect she’s kind of manipulating you, even if unintentionally, so are you gonna let a girl do that to you or what! dont be trapped by her, she’s not worth it.

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    Drake April 9, 2010, 4:38 pm

    YOU ARE THE BEST MAN!! thanks for the vid, been waiting for a module for a while and hope it keeps on coming. 🙂

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    lee April 12, 2010, 9:53 am

    I am happy to hear that you`re coming to Europe!! Woow! I will watch out for the dates. I guess Copenhagan will be the best for me. 🙂 By the way, I am awaiting my copy of the magic psycic influence dvds which I ordered last week. Any advices about how to go throught it will be highly appreciated. I also want to meet other RJ fans in my area but I don`t know how to do it..

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    Carlos April 14, 2010, 2:45 am

    Sir Ross Jeffries:
    I’m portuguese (living in Portugal), and I have been studying your material, manuals and videos for 1 year, downlod your books (and printing them) – files like “How to create an Instantanneous sexual attraction in any woman you meet!”, “Speed Seduction 3.0”, “Speed Seduction Algorithm”, “Advanced Masters Weekend” and “A User’s guide to Speed Seduction”. I also have been seeing parts of some DVDs, specially the Speed Seduction Seminar 2000, with Mark Cummingam. And I’ve heard your audio course even while dryving !
    I would like to thank you very, very much for your teaching, that have been inproving my life in related to women. Unfortunately I would like to apologize, because I didn’t but you produits, but I download them from another sites.
    Because you are too much elaborated and profund, I’m also hearing another seduction audio-course, talked buy Rob Johnson (“maximum seduction”), with the fundamentals of seduction.
    But you are, above all, the greatest guru of seduction! Thank you very much!!
    I’m thinking to buy you some of your produits, because I have beneficed of your teaching without any payment.
    One more time: thank your for all !
    (Sorry for my english mistakes… my english is not very good yet).
    Yours sincerely

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