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    Joseph November 24, 2010, 2:34 pm

    Hmm, wouldn’t it be good then to cut the phone call short, just giving her a taste of those juicy states before saying “oh shit, look at the time, i have an appointment at so and so, catch me later, bye”?

    Then hang up. its like you said Ross, women like it like a zig zag. if we tease them with the delicious candy, they will want it badly. especially if they know its exactly what they want. (it does me good to think of it like a solid piece of the most delicious candy and if they want it, they have to be ‘good’. this is because frankly i am a sadist when it comes to teasing with real candy)

    hmm the game is not that different with the ex, is it? i mean the approach feels familiar just the fractionating is different, because she is afraid of loosing the fantasy, with the reality she experienced. so all you have to do then would be to elicit the states that allow her to KNOW that reality is just as good as fantasy… hmmm
    im gonna try that and see if it works :p

    im curious ross, if i did run a pattern with wanting more, if it would have the same effect as if i made her realize reality is a better fantasy. 😮 what if i use both? idk i gotta try this.

    hey ross, now i know you have a much larger experience with marketing and peoples and what not but i learned something today and i hope this only comes out as constructive rather than criticism. we learned that there are 3 views on sex in western culture, masculine feminine and androgynous.
    it seems like your marketing appeals to the masculine men and tries to guide them to being androgynous decision makers. which means understanding that you dont need to think in terms of male and female, just think of it as a skill that is useful sometimes but not others. it also means that they have both M and F traits. Apparently Androgynous people enjoy sex more than both others and enjoy love more than both others. i love your work ross, it only occurred to me today when i thought hard that if you can bring men from there restricted role as masculine men(ass holes)or feminine men (nice guys) to androgynous men, they will have a better mindset available for tackling there SS issues.

    this culture teaches trash like you said, one of those things is that we should restrict yourself which is bull. if you can break the view that people hold on masculinity and femininity we realize they are just useful skills it doesn’t mean anything to have those skills as part of an identity if it restricts us but thinking of them as skills releases us. then M/F constructs loose there power over our behavior.

    is a ritual sacrifice in order? hahahaha (i did it for the construct, i feel different but ill have to see in reality if a change occured)

    i dont know if you already know this information but your results show me that its as if after seeing you people understand this. i know you know all that i said but im curious to see how much better people get at SS listening to you if this primary concern is addressed early.

    Love from the Caribbean,
    Joseph Quesnel

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    Paul Foster November 24, 2010, 6:22 pm

    My God! You’ve been reading my friggin mind! I won’t belabor what you wrote in your latest e-lesson, but will say that it really hit the mark! I recently had a two chances to experience the “ex” sex scenario. The first instance resulted in classic “blue balls”. The second was handled in a way that pretty much followed your philosophy of tease and pull back. The result was also a case of blue balls. Only in this case it resulted from the strenuous paces my “ex” put them through. Yes, I am a staunch advocate of ”ex’ sex. I endorse it whole heartedly. Just don’t let it interfere with the pursuit of “fresh” sex. Take care and happy holidays. –Paul

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    Markus November 26, 2010, 4:26 pm

    “Also, it’s so powerful, it’s overwhelming and therefore terrifying. You took her so way, wayy beyond what others can give that now she is scared.”

    IMO this can not be highlighted enough. I still have girls simply checking out because I overdid SS and caused their brain into a deadlock somehow. They just check out in a way that wasnt working for me really. Some didnt even give an explanation for why they left They just left. They were pumped up psyched but… I dont know… the energy was floating into the wrong direction somehow. Maybe they really were scared in some way. Maybe it`s like the good old roller coaster where fascination can turn into pure horror within seconds. I dont know… maybe SS really is that powerful…

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