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    Gabe August 7, 2009, 2:10 am

    The disorder you're referring to is Asperger syndrome. I know a woman who's suffering from this, she had to learn to consciously read the body language of other people and intentionally recreate her own. Took her the first 30 years of her life. If you guys think you're thwarted because you dont have the skills or practice of socializing, think about someone who is denied of the ability to do that. You're lucky.

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    Joe August 7, 2009, 4:26 pm

    The news must be much harder on his surviving relatives … not to mention he was clearly and foolishly talking about “emotional oppression”, not emotional control. God forbid he actually tried to work on the contents of his mind instead of ignoring them another day, week, and eventually another year….

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    Marcy Webb August 9, 2009, 9:53 pm

    Hey, Jeff.

    Thank you for your post. As a teacher of middle and high school students, Asperger's syndrome/Asperger spectrum is something I've seen rather frequently in my 15 year career, mostly with boys. With the proper treatment and social skills training, people with Asperger's can become productive members of society. This very well could have been Mr. Sodini's issue, which can lead to depression, isolation, etc. Certainly not an excuse for what Mr. Sodini did, but perhaps could explain some things. Of course, it doesn't explain the misogyny, or the hints of racism.

    Furthermore, I also questioned why Mr. Sodini did not raise a proverbial red flag for Steele. I suppose if one's work is all about the benjamins, acting with integrity and being straight up with a person is not going to occur.

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    Ross Jeffries August 11, 2009, 12:09 pm


    From time to time I've seen Asperger guys in my seminars. They really can't read or mirror the emotions of others.

    After 20 years of teaching you learn to spot these things.

    I think Sodini also had paranoid ideation, grandiose fantasies of persecution, and a complete lack of insight into how his behavior affected others.

    Steele says, “Nice guy must die”.

    I guess Sodini took him at his word.

    As far as racism; Steele's Usenet postings, back when he and I were locked in battle, betray virulent anti-semitism and racist ideation. He referred to me many times as a “kike” and used the “n word' with abandon. So maybe Sodini picked it up from his idol, RDS.

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    Marcy Webb August 29, 2009, 6:20 am

    Thank you for your comment to my comment, Ross.

    Steele sounds like a winner, making a fabulous contribution to human progress. Can someone please shut him down? Please?

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