Dear Seeker of Success,
One of my students was having a little problem in the produce department:
Let’s say I’m in a grocery store and see an attractive woman. I think, “There’s someone I would like to go and talk to and maybe try to get her number.”
As soon as I think that, then the anxiety or insecurity would start creeping up. I’d start to question or doubt myself and maybe remember a bad experience or two from the past, and maybe more.
Yep, that will stop the Sarge, for sure.

Now ask yourself this challenge question:
What If…She’s Something Other Than
A Hottie Who Likes Her Veggies?
What if she’s disgustingly ugly – doesn’t take care of herself, smells worse than an unkempt kitty-litter box, scratching herself like she has fleas (and probably does). You’re lost and you need directions. Not that you’d want to approach her, but would you be afraid to ask for directions?
What if she’s a gorgeous female police officer and you need to legitimately ask directions, would you be afraid to say, “Officer, I’m lost. Can you tell me where to go?” She’s drop-dead gorgeous and really beautiful. Would you be afraid then?
How about a drop-dead gorgeous beautiful woman, and somebody is sneaking up behind her and about to grab her purse and run away with it. He has a knife. He’s going to use a knife to cut her purse strap off her shoulder and grab her purse. Would you be afraid to run up to her and yell, “Hey lady, look out”?
Of Course You Could Approach Them…
And How Ironic!
You’d risk getting fleas and possibly needing to vomit; you’d fearlessly approach someone who could arrest you or TAZE you; and you’d intervene to stop a criminal with a knife.
You’d be more afraid to approach a beautiful woman to say hello…
…than you would be to intervene to stop an armed criminal with a knife out who was sneaking up behind that same beautiful woman?
More afraid of a situation WITHOUT an armed robber… than WITH one?
I’m willing to wager something bad has happened before.
P.S. Imagine a life with no further need for assurance or guarantee of success of any kind before you took bold (and fun) seduction steps, as you walk like a giant where other people fear to step?
And what if you could get off your excuse-making, “I understand but don’t do it” ass, and get moving right now in the real world with the success you’ve always wanted?
What if you can make that happen TODAY by clicking here?
I walked around the mall imagining that there was a crazy person with a knife running up behind every attractive woman I saw. I think it changed more than my own perception.
How many women did you approach?
I been studiying, rapid x total success with woman, x doing the skills, as well as trying a bit of sagging