Dear Seeker of Success,
Please, PLEASE, P-L-E-A-S-E, take a minute, stop, and read this next paragraph:
> Ross, I want to thank you. By attending and performing the Beginner’s Breath and some of the other practices, my life has continued its great change. I saw an HB & kinda sent an energy of, “I want to meet you.” She came over and said, “If I were single, I’d f@@k you all night long.” It didn’t happen, but I received lots of kisses and full on hugs, and got lots of practice with using destroyers, possibilities, go someplace where no one knew you, etc. A really fun time.

Guys, I am imploring, demanding, pleading, begging, urging: DO BREATH MEDITATION.
Look: maybe it seems “New Agey” or “odd” or whatever the f@@k label you THOUGHT YOU had to slap on it. But it really works.
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE just do it.
10 minutes a day.
Note again: the poster said, “practices“. Not “events” or “occasions” but PRACTICES.
That means daily. Now…
What Are The Things That
Block A Practice?
There could be several issues at place here:
- First of all, demanding TOO much of yourself. Instead of ten minutes a day, you get heroic and insist on 40 or 60 minutes.
- Second, failing to follow instructions. You leave out key elements or add in things that don’t belong.
- Third, letting the feeling of it being too odd or too weird GET IN YOUR WAY OF DOING IT AT ALL.
- Fourth, not making it a priority. Something you MUST do, like taking a shower.
- Fifth, expecting dramatic results; visions of bliss, great overwhelming feelings of universal consciousness etc. In other words, you inject drama into the process.
Just set aside a little time everyday. Make it a priority. Either do it when you first get up in the morning, or when you get up, think: when today can I do this?
Get a timer of some kind. Do it for TEN minutes. Then let go of it.
P.S. Would your meditation practice be more effective if someone walked you through it, in person, step-by-step, so you SEE and FEEL its impact?
Then claim your Magick and Remote Infuence course – watch the demos right in your living room.
[…] reading here: Why Aren’t YOU Doing Breath Meditation? No […]
I must have missed where you taught about meditation breathing.
where do i find that?
What’s the exercise… The result seems promicing
These are not the usual things I try to improve my game so I’m curious
cool post
There are a lot of meditation exercises, we’ll cover the best ones in LA next month.
Hey Ross,
Great point on the ‘breathing meditation’ blog. Correct conscious breathing has long been known for it’s amazing effects on ones wellbeing, in fact it is one of the most important things a person can practice. The fact that you place emphasis on this topic only further galvanizes your position as a teacher worth listening to.
As for the ten minute time frame, this is also a very clever idea because it also applies to anything you want to start but put off.
For example…if you need to clean your house,organize the garage,do the paper work eg. and you don’t really feel like doing it…..just say to your self, ‘I’m going to give this ten minutes minimum’,…now, anyone can apply themselves for ten minutes,right?. What generally happens is once you get started,you generate an effortless momentum and good chance you will keep doing what you set out to do for longer.
Great little self motivating trick.
As someone who, like anyone else, sometimes finds it hard to get motivated, this is great guidance. Thank you for sharing!
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of breath meditation. By using the practice on a regular basis to ‘find the quiet in your mind’ not only do you energize and relax (a powerful and otherwise impossible combination)you build so much energy that you become magnet like. By opening up more you create a space that women just want to come and fill. And then you can fill theirs!
All the best
Dave (The artist formerly known as Sabian)
Thank you for these kind words!
[…] I mentioned yesterday, I make it a point to do my energized breathing meditation practice EVERY day, including the […]
Since starting a meditation practice a month ago it has become much easier to notice limiting beliefs popping up as I go and also easier to drop them. All on the model you handle distractions while meditating.
I also notice (based on the responses I get) that I am more attractive when I am not only positive and charged up with energy but also more grounded and with a quieter mind. This makes me more open to what happens and makes it easier to listen. A lot more attractive than just being energetic while staying self focused.
I am good at listening in other situations but while sarging that is only now becoming the case. I have found it both annoying and promising to find out I usually have been a bad listener in sarging situations. Annoying because I am good at it in other situations and promising because it is something I can easily improve a lot. And meditation helps me to do it.
Seeing your results and progress is one of the things that inspires me to keep going and doing what I do. Thank you for inviting me to be part of your journey.
I needed this post to get me back on track and I did the NYIG exercise from start to finish and once I finished with the extractor (noted the information that popped up in my journal) I really really felt a sense of lightening up, as you’d say Paul the phenomenon of crap that gets coverted to pure Methane and since then I’ve also incorporated the breathing which you teach in Speed Seduction 3.0 (Bonus Tapes) and it is really profound! Yes, I’ve really started looking at past fuck ups in a way that used to upset me and in fact I just feel calm, and whenever I’m begining to feel any sort of agitation I do the breating again and I feel calm again! I’m still discovering the value of the exercises Ross because they are so far away from what I’m used to – breathing and symbology but I trust your words and the testimonials of so many other students and slowly but surely I’m begining to see the power of the exercises, especially when I follow all instructions and do them from start to finish.
Question – I dont have the follow up teleseminars which you had conducted for NYIG and gave some pointers for using the material and I was wondering if they could me made availible?
Awesome the effect the meditation has, eh? 🙂
As far as the follow up teleseminars, that was a loooong time ago. I’m not sure they were recorded. But we’ll check.
Hi Paul,
A long one but worth reading for someone who ‘Can’t be bothered’…
I have been practicing breathing and the visualization that follows it exactly right adding nothing in and/or forgetting nothing ever since you posted it, and, I swear, everytime i’ve been out at a bar I have either been invited out with women by women or been grabbed and kissed or both (more often both)… It’s crazy that before i’d be required to spend 10-20 minuets of patterns before any response like this. (But that’s fine, we all just love having fun talking / patterning with women)
@ Mike: I think your right, if there is anyone – up until now – found it hard to motivate yourself to do it, it’s OK when you’ve built up the momentum to accept, this is what you do now.
When I first started jogging I was almost 16 stone, I saw fit people around and decided to myself you’ve got what it takes to make it happen, I went for a run, ached like sh#* the next day and never went again. Until your back in the frame of mind where you don’t give up…So I went again – And I ached like SH#* Again, so I went the same day the folowing week again, and again, and again, -Aching and smiling- :o) – started going twice a week, 3 times, one day on, one day off. and on and on….Until you find yourself accepting it’s what you do now, it’s part of my life and I’m totally OK with it and couldn’t live without it.
BTW – I’m now 12 stone and healthy and ripped and I never touch junk food.
Basically, you get out what you put in – So there’s no time to waste then….Is there !
Russell.. x
..Previously – The Bush With Legs
Damn straight. No time to waste!
Today is the last day of the way you used to be.
I have 3 jobs, I run everyday, I regularly meet women and sarge, visit family, do my washing, cook my food, pay my bills….And I can still find 10 minutes.. ..Look I’m just sat here writing this when I could be out meeting and …actually…
I’m soon going to be buying the Magick, Meditation, And Non-Local Influence.
I’m assuming the beginners breath is a good start, and this course goes deeper – Is this why you’d typically take about 40 minutes on the beach?
Russell. x
Can I see you in LA in November?
[…] This could be doing your daily meditation practice. […]
I have it on my daily list of must do’s. It is amazing! I notice that whenever I do meditation for a few days and then just meet women in everyday situations they lean in and rub their bodies lightly or their hair is almost in my face as they show me something on the phone! What sometimes blocks my practice is that it’s so non linear and absurd that normally you wouldn’t think that it is as important as taking a shower. But from experience now I can surely vouch for the fact that life is magically pleasant when you do the practices regularly and this time I have made a table where the columns represent practices I must do and the rows are days of the month. So I can see clearly bow I have been doing. Thanks again for everything Ross!
Pretty powerful stuff, eh?
Keep us up to speed and let us know if you will be in port to make it to our Magick and Remote Influence seminar. I’m highly confident you’d gain a lot from it.
If you meditate wouldn’t you eventually thin your ego and not really care about sarging, money, etc because you’d feel content.
I think maybe if you cycle meditation so that you maintain a certain degree of the benefits then do it again after a while so that you’re always at a homeostasis for its benefits yet don’t go overboard and become a monk you’d be ok . I say cycle because there are structural changes in the brain associated with meditation and they tend to last a while before regressing. Dettachment is good but too much is counterproductive that’s probably why it’s 10 min
In ninjutsu there’s this quick snap meditation called kuji in if it is quick to get you into presence wouldn’t that be a fix to the event ual problem of mindfulness.
There are many different degrees and forms of meditation. Most students try a number of different things before they find what works. Keep exploring.