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    Player87 May 3, 2011, 2:39 pm



    I tried to troll my PUA crap site on Ross’ blog and he kicked me in the Jimmy. Ouch!

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    I am not up to acting like a “bleedin’ turdburglar”, but in public places (as opposed to bars) I am at a loss of how to approach two or three women and then narrow it down to the one I am attracted to. My first thought is “three women to juggle, what to do”.

    Could I go in playful like and say “Oh my god, it’s the Ford Modeling agency on parade?” or something? Once I get the group on my side, its just a matter of doing a cold read etc..

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    Nicholas Finnegan May 4, 2011, 1:22 pm

    As usual, great post. Plus having fun makes it all so light hearted that if she catches you out or rejects you, you could just laugh it off as just having fun, and if she doesn’t join in it also implies that she isn’t a fun person.

    By the way i love this embedded command…

    “She probably gets approached 100 times a month…you better come up with something different and see if she has a sense of humor YOU COULD REALLY LIKE”.

    It’s the first time i have seen it in a sentence like this, which allows me to brainstorm on some great ways I could implement it aswell ;P

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      Ross Jeffries May 4, 2011, 2:59 pm

      @Nicholas Yes, that’s an embedded suggestion. Clever, isn’t it?

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    Girl Getter May 4, 2011, 5:02 pm

    If you were to use one pattern on the girl of your dreams, which would it be?

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    Bryan Longcar May 4, 2011, 8:11 pm

    Great sarge, Ross in love ? i tried something like this never fails

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    bravo II May 4, 2011, 10:31 pm

    Hello RJ,

    Let me just say thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing Speed Seduction to my life. You have no idea how you changed my life. It started inside my head, then it goes out to my social engineering habits.

    Hence, i live my life with the motto: No bullying, buying, begging, and booze.


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      Ross Jeffries May 5, 2011, 9:06 am

      @Bravo II How about you give me some details? Tell me your story..I want to know!


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    Nicholas Finnegan May 5, 2011, 11:01 am

    @Ross Yes.

    The way how you embedded it while you was explaining yourself for why you approached her was slick. It almost looks like you are commanding yourself: There is absolutely no way she could catch onto that one ;P

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    Domenick May 6, 2011, 5:13 am

    Speed Seduction defiantly works, but the issue is when you live on a ship on deployment and your just learning the stuff and practicing on women who all communicate with each other in a berthing, unfortunately it comes down to do or die..if you do well, you have someone to eat chow with everyday, if you dont…you look like a nut-job, especially when your first learning

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      Ross Jeffries May 6, 2011, 11:29 am


      That restriction is going to be there no matter what system you use. It’s not limited to mine. So why dwell on it?


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    Domenick May 7, 2011, 12:24 am

    well since im still learning, and i have to see these people….everyday i onnly have limited number of people., i dont want to look like an idiot who likes to talk about roller coasters to the only 30 girls on the ship, HOWEVER….the challenge is what makes it fun, because it does work and especially when i pull in port around the world, and i get to have with women who dont even speak english…thats the part that shocks alot of people…i plan on starting the coaching program, i return from this deployment next month and cant wait to SARGE women who speak english and dont have to see in a working environment….but the RESPONSES I GET ARE AMAZING and i never eat chow alone now =)

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    Dave310 May 9, 2011, 4:42 pm

    Nice post RJ. Great meeting you at whole foods the other day, thanks for letting me cut. I’m digging these videos and posts, the psychological aspect what you teach really resonates with me. You were right when you said all roads lead back to you… you’re the original zen master.

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      Ross Jeffries May 9, 2011, 5:18 pm

      @Dave if you run into me again, we’ll sarge a bit. I’m in love with my GF, but I can hook the fish as long as I let them go again.

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    dave310 May 12, 2011, 11:02 am

    Awesome, I’ll be on the look out for you. I have a question….

    I was out with this girl last night and she was talking about Harry Potter and how she loves those books. (She was over 18, I promise.) As she was rambling on I could tell those books brought her a lot of joy over the years. (I was picturing her snuggled up in her bed in a cute nighty, reading her Harry Potter.) My question is this: how do I connect MYSELF with all those positive feelings she has about something mundane, like Harry Potter books? (It feels like I should be able to take an innocent somewhat mundane conversation about her favorite movie or book and spin it in my favor. Right RJ?)

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    Smoky March 10, 2013, 5:24 am

    @dave310 What I would do is:-

    Ask her “what do you love most about the harry potter book”, then LISTEN as she describes the experience and TAKE-NOTE OF KEYWORDS she uses in her experience description for example she could say ” I love the way they describe the MAGIC world, it just fills me with a SENSE of AWE and EXCITEMENT…” Then you could respond by MIRRORING her tone (the rate at which she spoke), MIRROR SOME KEYWORDS she used for EMBEDDING COMMANDS/SUGGESTIONS in your response to make her feel the way she liked to feel and PERSONALIZE and ANCHOR the feelings subconciously by subtly self pointing and/or touching her a part of her body.

    I would be like “oh really, I read somewhere that when someone (self-point subtly) makes you FEEL SO GOOD , and like MAGIC you are filled with a SENSE OF AWE and you GET THAT RUSH OF EXCITEMENT… now that is when you can really LET GO AND ALLOW THIS PERSON TO COME DEEP INSIDE YOU (Subtly Point to her crotch) because you KNOW THAT THIS PERSON IS SPECIAL (Self point subtly again e.g. Tap you chin) and worth fighting for by sharing many intimate moments with them (Touch her skin)

    it takes some practice and creativity to respond like this on the spot, but perfection comes with live practice and just close enough works well as far as you follow the principles highlighted. You could also save the seductive response for a later time when he has it is well formed in your head or writing but it works better as a response on the spot in my opinion.

    Power to the people… Ross jefferies is a Legend

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    Smoky March 10, 2013, 5:37 am

    @dave310 What I would do is:-

    Ask her “what do you love most about the harry potter book”, then LISTEN as she describes the experience and TAKE-NOTE OF KEYWORDS she uses in her experience description for example she could say ” I love the way they describe the MAGIC world, it just fills me with a SENSE of AWE and EXCITEMENT…” Then you could respond by MIRRORING her tone (the rate at which she spoke), MIRROR SOME KEYWORDS she used for EMBEDDING COMMANDS/SUGGESTIONS in your response to make her feel the way she liked to feel and PERSONALIZE and ANCHOR the feelings subconciously by subtly self pointing and/or touching her a part of her body.

    I would be like “oh really, I read somewhere that when someone (self-point subtly) makes you FEEL SO GOOD , and like MAGIC you are filled with a SENSE OF AWE and you GET THAT RUSH OF EXCITEMENT… now that is when you can really LET GO AND ALLOW THIS PERSON TO COME DEEP INSIDE YOU (Subtly Point to her crotch) because you KNOW THAT THIS PERSON IS SPECIAL (Self point subtly again e.g. Tap you chin) and worth fighting for by sharing many intimate moments with them (Touch her skin)

    it takes some practice and creativity to respond like this on the spot, but perfection comes with live practice and there is no need to be perfect, just close enough works well as far as you follow the principles highlighted.

    You could also save the seductive response for a later time when he has it is well formed in your head or writing but it works better as a response on the spot in my opinion.

    Power to the people… Ross jefferies is a Legend

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